[kheuer@gwdu60.gwdg.de: German Inst. Guide & Daemon News]

From: Wolfram Schneider <wosch(at)panke.de.freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 16:55:43 +0100

----- Forwarded message from Konrad Heuer <kheuer(at)gwdu60.gwdg.de> -----
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 14:48:04 +0100 (CET)
From: Konrad Heuer <kheuer(at)gwdu60.gwdg.de>
To: freebsd-advocacy(at)FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: German Inst. Guide & Daemon News

Probably this is not the right list to write to ...

I've put a small FreeBSD Installation Guide written in *German* onto the


I know, it is incomplete and should be much more elaborate. Nonetheless it
might be a little help in some cases.

Furthermore, since I'm an enthusiastic reader of the Daemon News, I built
a pdf file for each issue. In the case anyone is interested in downloading
them, here's the path:


I haven't found pdf files anywhere else. If they really aren't
anywhere, I'll try to build them regularly in the future.

I assume the Daemon News Crew agrees to that service. Otherwise, please
stop me now! :-)


// Konrad Heuer ____ ___ _______
// Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche / __/______ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
// Datenverarbeitung mbH GÖttingen / _// __/ -_) -_) _ |\ \/ // /
// Am Faßberg, D-37077 GÖttingen /_/ /_/ \__/\__/____/___/____/
// Deutschland (Germany) ----- The Power to Serve -----
// http://www.freebsd.org
// kheuer(at)gwdu60.gwdg.de

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----- End forwarded message -----
Received on Sun 13 Dec 1998 - 18:00:56 CET

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