Re: ISDN cause 7, layer 1 error nach kurzer Verbindung

From: Reiner Itschert <reiner(at)>
Date: 20 Jun 2003 11:50:40 +0200

(Entschuldigung, Kopie an die Liste hatte ich vergessen)

Am Mi, 2003-06-11 um 21.02 schrieb Hellmuth Michaelis:

> Das ist ein Layer 1 Error, deutet in Richtung Hardware (beide Seiten
> korrekt terminiert ... ? ) ...
> > Das Problem bestand bei 4.7 genau so. Sorry f_r den langen Anhang
> > (Fehlermeldung, Kernel, ppp.conf, isdnd.rc., rc.conf).
> Die ganzen Konfigurationen sollten in Ordnung sein, es funktioniert
> ja eine Weile. Wie gesagt, ich tippe auf irgendwelche Hardware, das
> kann alles sein von einschliesslich NTBA (oder sogar das Line
> in der Vermittlungsstelle) ueber Stecker, Kabel, Stecker, Buchse bis
> Karte.
> Ich wuerde das o.g. alles ueberpruefen und ggf. die Stoerungsstelle
> anrufen um die Leitung ueberpruefen zu lassen (geht das noch
kostenfrei ?).
> Wenn das nichts bringt: ich bezweifle, das das ein Treiberproblem ist,
> aber um ggf. auf Treiberebene weiterzukommen ist ein Trace (incl.
> Layer 1 und Layer 2) des Abbruchs mit isdntrace vonnoeten.
> hellmuth

Ich habe die Hardware überprueft: Die ISDN-Verbindung klappt unter
Debian (Knoppix), Mandrake und W2000 einwandfrei. Dann habe ich ein 4.8
stable eingerichtet und alles weitere darunter getestet, um alle
Eventualitaeten mit 5.1 CURRENT auszuschließen.

dmesg liefert folgendes, wobei ich nicht weiß, ob das relevant ist:

i4b-L1 ifpi2_ph_data_req: still in state F3!
i4b-L1 timer3_expired: state = F4 Awaiting Signal
ifpi2_recover 0
i4b-L3 i4b_decode_q931: unknown protocol discriminator 0xd!
i4b-L1 ifpi2_ph_data_req: still in state F3!
i4b-L1 timer3_expired: state = F4 Awaiting Signal
ifpi2_recover 0
i4b-L1 ifpi2_ph_data_req: still in state F3!
i4b-L1 timer3_expired: state = F4 Awaiting Signal
ifpi2_recover 0

ISDNTRACE (isdntrace0-20030619-215102, Anfang siehe unten) liefert
folgendes, wobei mir frame 15 und 16 sagen, dass die Verbindung zustande
gekommen ist und dass die frames 53 und 55 Fehler melden, (cause 31 und
cause 98), deren Ursache ich aber nicht erkenne.

Vielleicht sieht jemand mehr als ich.

Vielen Dank.


=========== isdntrace controller #0 =========== started Thu Jun 19
21:51:02 2003

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000001 - time:19.06 21:51:03.799777 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fc ff 03 0f 82 14 01 ff ........
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x1482, IdRequest, Ai=127

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000002 - time:19.06 21:51:03.829775 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fe ff 03 0f 00 00 06 bd ........
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x0000, IdRemove, Ai=94

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000003 - time:19.06 21:51:03.839775 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fe ff 03 0f 82 14 02 cb ........
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x1482, IdAssign, Ai=101

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000004 - time:19.06 21:51:03.839775 -
length:3 ------
Dump:000 00 cb 7f ...
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, U-Frame: SABME PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000005 - time:19.06 21:51:03.869776 -
length:3 ------
Dump:000 00 cb 73 ..s
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, U-Frame: UA PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000006 - time:19.06 21:51:03.869776 -
length:37 -----
Dump:000 00 cb 00 00 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, I-Frame: N(S) 0 N(R) 0 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 53 05 a1 04 02 88 90 18 01 83 6c 08 81 38
Dump:020 38 36 39 33 35 36 70 09 81 30 30 31 39 32 30 37
Dump:036 34 4
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from origination), message=SETUP:
     [sending complete]
     [bearer capability:
          cap=unrestricted digital information
          rate=64 kbit/s
     [channel id: channel=any channel (preferred)]
     [calling party number: 8869356 (type=unknown, plan=ISDN)]
     [called party number: 00192074 (type=unknown, plan=ISDN)]

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000007 - time:19.06 21:51:03.929776 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 cb 01 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 1 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000008 - time:19.06 21:51:03.949777 -
length:11 -----
Dump:000 02 cb 00 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, I-Frame: N(S) 0 N(R) 1 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 d3 02 18 01 89 .......
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from destination), message=CALL
     [channel id: channel=B-1 (exclusive)]

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000009 - time:19.06 21:51:03.949777 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 1 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000013 - time:19.06 21:51:04.889791 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 b3 01 a7 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 83 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000014 - time:19.06 21:51:04.949793 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 a7 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 83 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000015 - time:19.06 21:51:05.359798 -
length:15 -----
Dump:000 02 cb 02 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, I-Frame: N(S) 1 N(R) 1 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 d3 07 29 05 03 06 13 15 33
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from destination), message=CONNECT:
     [date/time: 19.06.03 21:51]

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000016 - time:19.06 21:51:05.359798 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 00 cb 02 04 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, I-Frame: N(S) 1 N(R) 2 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 53 0f ..S.
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from origination), message=CONNECT

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000017 - time:19.06 21:51:05.409799 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 cb 01 04 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000018 - time:19.06 21:51:05.819804 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e2 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 113 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000019 - time:19.06 21:51:05.909805 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e4 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000020 - time:19.06 21:51:14.859940 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 b3 01 a7 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 83 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000021 - time:19.06 21:51:15.369949 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000022 - time:19.06 21:51:15.369949 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000023 - time:19.06 21:51:15.859956 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 ab 01 e5 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000024 - time:19.06 21:51:24.800090 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 a7 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 83 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000025 - time:19.06 21:51:25.360099 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000026 - time:19.06 21:51:25.360099 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000027 - time:19.06 21:51:25.840106 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e5 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000028 - time:19.06 21:51:25.860106 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 ab 01 e5 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000030 - time:19.06 21:51:30.240173 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 a8 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 84 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000031 - time:19.06 21:51:30.330174 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 aa ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 85 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000032 - time:19.06 21:51:35.320249 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000033 - time:19.06 21:51:35.320249 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000034 - time:19.06 21:51:35.830257 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e5 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000035 - time:19.06 21:51:35.850257 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 ab 01 e5 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 114 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000036 - time:19.06 21:51:40.330325 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 ab ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 85 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000037 - time:19.06 21:51:40.340325 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 b3 01 ab ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 85 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000039 - time:19.06 21:51:42.350355 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e6 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 115 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000040 - time:19.06 21:51:42.400356 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 ab 01 e8 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 116 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000041 - time:19.06 21:51:45.300400 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000042 - time:19.06 21:51:45.300400 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000043 - time:19.06 21:51:50.320475 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 b3 01 ab ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 85 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000044 - time:19.06 21:51:50.330476 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 b3 01 ab ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=89, S-Frame: RR N(R) 85 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000045 - time:19.06 21:51:52.290505 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 ab 01 e9 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=85, S-Frame: RR N(R) 116 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000046 - time:19.06 21:51:55.290550 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000047 - time:19.06 21:51:56.220564 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 02 cb 01 05 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=101, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000048 - time:19.06 21:51:56.310566 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fc ff 03 0f d1 78 01 ff .....x..
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x78d1, IdRequest, Ai=127

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000049 - time:19.06 21:51:56.350566 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fe ff 03 0f 00 00 06 bf ........
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x0000, IdRemove, Ai=95

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000050 - time:19.06 21:51:56.360567 -
length:8 ------
Dump:000 fe ff 03 0f d1 78 02 cd .....x..
Q921: SAP=63 (TEI-Management), C, TEI=127, Ri=0x78d1, IdAssign, Ai=102

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000051 - time:19.06 21:51:56.360567 -
length:3 ------
Dump:000 00 cd 7f ...
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=102, U-Frame: SABME PF 1

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000052 - time:19.06 21:51:56.410567 -
length:3 ------
Dump:000 00 cd 73 ..s
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=102, U-Frame: UA PF 1

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000053 - time:19.06 21:51:56.410567 -
length:15 -----
Dump:000 00 cd 00 00 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=102, I-Frame: N(S) 0 N(R) 0 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 53 7d 08 02 80 9f 14 01 0a
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from origination), message=STATUS:
     [cause: 31: Normal, unspecified (Q.850)
          (location=user, std=CCITT)]
     [call state: Std=CCITT, State=Active]

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000054 - time:19.06 21:51:56.460568 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 cd 01 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=102, S-Frame: RR N(R) 1 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000055 - time:19.06 21:51:56.480568 -
length:12 -----
Dump:000 02 cd 00 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=102, I-Frame: N(S) 0 N(R) 1 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 d3 4d 08 02 81 e2 ...M....
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x53 (from destination), message=RELEASE:
     [cause: 98: Msg incompatible with call state/message type
non-existent/not implemented (Q.850)
          (location=private network serving local user, std=CCITT)]

-- TE->NT - unit:0 - frame:000056 - time:19.06 21:51:56.480568 -
length:37 -----
Dump:000 00 cd 02 02 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), C, TEI=102, I-Frame: N(S) 1 N(R) 1 P 0
Dump:004 08 01 74 05 a1 04 02 88 90 18 01 83 6c 08 81 38
Dump:020 38 36 39 33 35 36 70 09 81 30 30 31 39 32 30 37
Dump:036 34 4
Q931: pd=Q.931/I.451, cr=0x74 (from origination), message=SETUP:
     [sending complete]
     [bearer capability:
          cap=unrestricted digital information
          rate=64 kbit/s
     [channel id: channel=any channel (preferred)]
     [calling party number: 8869356 (type=unknown, plan=ISDN)]
     [called party number: 00192074 (type=unknown, plan=ISDN)]

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000057 - time:19.06 21:51:56.540569 -
length:4 ------
Dump:000 00 cd 01 04 ....
Q921: SAP=0 (Call Control), R, TEI=102, S-Frame: RR N(R) 2 PF 0

-- NT->TE - unit:0 - frame:000058 - time:19.06 21:51:56.560570 -
length:12 -----
Dump:000 02 cd 02 04 ....

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Received on Fri 20 Jun 2003 - 11:51:07 CEST

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