wieder mal Probleme: qt4 auf qt5

From: Heino Tiedemann <rotkaps_spam_trap(at)gmx.de>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:04:56 +0100


Dieses undurchdachte bastelbuden system mal wieder.
Folgendes wird mir - als user - an die Hand gegben.

  AFFECTS: users of Qt 4 and Qt 5
  AUTHOR: kde(at)FreeBSD.org

  Following what is already done in Qt 5, the Qt 4 ports no longer install
  their binaries into ${LOCALBASE}/bin (which is "/usr/local/bin" in most
  cases). Additionally, the "-qt4" suffix has been dropped from the file names
  of the binaries that had it, such as "qmake-qt4".

  The new misc/qtchooser port is now used to choose whether a Qt 4 or Qt 5
  version of a binary such as "moc", "qmake" or "designer" will be used. By
  default, the Qt 5 versions are preferred, but that can be changed by setting
  the QT_SELECT environment variable to "qt4".

  qtchooser also allows one to seamlessly use other Qt installations for those
  binaries, which is particularly beneficial to people working on Qt itself or
  who need their own checkouts.

  See qtchooser(1) for more information on how to configure qtchooser.

Toll. Und nu?

/Was soll ich jetzt machen?/

Der Clou ist nämlich: ich kann qtchooser gar nicht installieren! Er
beisst sich mit dem installierten qt4-dbus-4.8.7. Das kann ich aber
nicht deinstallieren! Denn dann sind zu viele Abhängigkeiten mit weg.

Tolle Wurst. Immer diese Zwickmühlen.

/Wie lautet also wohl die Lösung?/

Wie bekomme ich meine qt4 ports auf qt5?


qt4-assistant-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-clucene-4.8.7 ? orphaned: textproc/clucene-qt4
qt4-corelib-4.8.7_6 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_7)
qt4-dbus-4.8.7 ? orphaned: devel/dbus-qt4
qt4-declarative-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-designer-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-doc-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-gui-4.8.7_1 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_2)
qt4-help-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-imageformats-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-moc-4.8.7_1 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_2)
qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7_1 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_2)
qt4-network-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-opengl-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-qdbusviewer-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-qmake-4.8.7 ? orphaned: devel/qmake4
qt4-qt3support-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-rcc-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-script-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-sql-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7_2 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_3)
qt4-svg-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-testlib-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-uic-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-webkit-4.8.7 ? orphaned: www/webkit-qt4
qt4-xml-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)
qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7 < needs updating (index has 4.8.7_1)

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Received on Wed 22 Feb 2017 - 13:06:23 CET

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