Funktioniert "WITH_OPENSSL_BASE=yes" noch?

From: Heino Tiedemann <rotkaps_spam_trap(at)>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:47:38 +0100


ich habe lange(!) keine Potrs mehr aktualisiert.
In meiner /usr/ports/UPDATING steht:

> 20160616:
> AFFECTS: users of security/openssl*, security/libressl*
> AUTHOR: mat(at)
> Previously, to tell the ports tree, you needed to set:
> And if you wanted a port that was not security/openssl, you needed to add,
> for example:
> OPENSSL_PORT= security/libressl
> Now, all you need to do is:
> DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=libressl
> Valid values are base, openssl, openssl-devel, libressl, and libressl-devel.

Frage, Funktioniert der Schalter
nach wie vor?


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