From: Andreas Braukmann <braukmann(at)>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 21:02:40 +0100


--On Freitag, 11. Februar 2005 17:16 Uhr +0100 Stefan Huerter <maulwurf(at)> wrote:

> MacOS-eigenes Brennprogramm?
> Weiß gar nicht, ob man damit ISO-images brennen kann,

also ich weiss, dass ich das zu 10.1 und 10.2 Zeiten schonmal
geschafft habe ;-)
Seit Panther ernte ich damit aber nur noch Bierdeckel :-/

> ansonsten bleibt Dir der weg über cdrecord (andere mail wies
> darauf schon hin) - installierbar über fink, oder zB auch Toast
> (kommerziell) kann es...

Toast geht natuerlich. cdrecord habe ich persoenlich auf'm
Mac noch nicht getestet. Aber neben der graphischen Version
bietet OS-X ja auch noch die Kommandozeile. Ein Blick in die
Manpage von hdiutil (hdiutil(1)) verraet:

     hdiutil - manipulate disk images

     hdiutil verb [options]
     burn image
                Burn image to optical media in an attached burning device. In
                all cases, a prompt for media will be printed once an appro-
                priate drive has been found. Common options are: -shadow with
                friends, -srcimagekey, -encryption, and -stdinpass.

                Other options:

Das sollte zum Brennen eines vorliegenden ISO-Images ausreichen.

hdiutil kann neben hfs- auch iso-, joliet oder komplett hybride
Images (hfs,joliet,iso) erzeugen:

     makehybrid -o image source
                Generate a disk image image using source with the DiscRecord-
                ing framework's content creation system. source can either be
                a directory or a disk image. The generated image can later be
                burned using hdiutil burn, or converted to a read-only disk
                image with hdiutil convert. The generated filesystem is not
                designed to be used read/write, but can safely have its files
                copied to a read/write filesystem by ditto(8) or asr(8).

                Filesystem options:
                -hfs Generate an HFS+ filesystem. This filesystem can be
                        present on an image simultaneously with an ISO9660 or
                        Joliet filesystem. On operating systems that under-
                        stand HFS+ as well as ISO9660, like Mac OS 9 or Mac OS
                        X, it is usually the preferred filesystem.
                -iso Generate an ISO9660 Level 2 filesystem with Rock Ridge
                        extensions. This filesystem can be present on an
                        image simultaneously with an HFS+ or Joliet filesys-
                        tem. ISO9660 is the standard cross-platform inter-
                        change format for CDs and some DVDs, and is understood
                        by virtually all operating systems. If an ISO9660
                        Joliet filesystem is present on a disk image or CD,
                        but not HFS+, Mac OS X will use the ISO9660 (or
                        Joliet) filesystem.
                -joliet Generate Joliet extensions to ISO9660. This view of
                        the filesystem can be present on an image simultane-
                        ously with HFS+, and requires the presence of an
                        ISO9660 filesystem. Joliet supports Unicode file-
                        names, but is only supported on some operating sys-
                        tems. If both an ISO9660 and Joliet filesystem are
                        present on a disk image or CD, but not HFS+, Mac OS X
                        will prefer the Joliet filesystem.

                By default, if no filesystem is specified, the image will be
                created with all three filesystems as a hybrid image. When
                multiple filesystems are selected, the data area of the image
                is shared between all filesystems, and only directory informa-
                tion and volume metadata are unique to each filesystem. This
                means that creating a cross-platform ISO9660/HFS+ hybrid has a
                minimal overhead when compared to a single filesystem image.

Man sehe mir das laengliche Zitat aus der Manpage nach ;-). Wenn man
sich quer durch die Manpage (die noch sehr, sehr viel laenger als
dieses knappe Zitat ist ;-)) liest, wird man bemerken, dass hdiutil
so ziemlich alles kann, was man sich von so einem Werkzeug wuenscht.
Ahh, hier ist noch ein nettes Beispiel:

     Using makehybrid. Given the files:
           albumlist.txt song2.wma song4.m4a song6.mp3 song8.mp3
           song1.wma song3.m4a song5.mp3 song7.mp3

     Create an HFS+/ISO9660/Joliet hybrid MusicBackup.iso with some common
     content between filesystems. The HFS+ filesystem, typically only visible
     on Macintosh systems, will not include the .wma files, but will show the
     .m4a and .mp3 files. The Joliet filesystem will not show the .m4a and
     .mp3 files, but will show the .wma files. The ISO9660 filesystem, typi-
     cally the default filesystem for optical media on many platforms, will
     only show the .mp3 files. All three filesystems will include the "album-
     list.txt" files. The -hide options take glob expressions as expanded by

           hdiutil makehybrid -o MusicBackup.iso Music -hfs -iso -joliet \
           -hide-hfs 'Music/*.wma' -hide-joliet 'Music/{*.m4a,*.mp3}' \
           -hide-iso 'Music/*.{wma,m4a}'

Tja. Warum dieses wirklich leistungsfaehige Werkzeug sich nirgendwo
in den GUI-Tools widerspiegelt wird wohl Apples (Jordaaaaan! Hilf! ;-)
Geheimnis bleiben.


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