Re: Netzwerk-/Festplatten-Performance

From: Peter Ross <Peter.Ross(at)>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:46:53 +1000 (EST)

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Bernd Walter wrote:

> Solaris kann eh kein TCP NFS.

Solaris 9 Reference Manual Collection



      By default, nfsd starts over the TCP and UDP transports. You can
      change this with the -p option, described below.




      See mount(1M) for the list of supported generic_options.

      -o specific_options


    <netid> is a value of network_id field from entry in the
    /etc/netconfig file. By default, the transport protocol used for the
    NFS mount is the first available connection oriented transport supported on
    both the client and the server. If no connection oriented transport is
    found, then the first available connectionless transport is used. This
    default behavior can be overridden with the proto=<netid> option.

ASFAIK stammt die Referenzimplementierung fuer NFS Version 3 inklusive
TCP-Support von Sun.. schliesslich haben die das Nightmare Filesystem

Es gruesst

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