> Hast Du Dein loopback eigentlich ordentlich konfiguriert?
Was ist das ?
> Wie sieht Deinerc.conf aus
Siehe Anhang
und welche ipfw/ip/ipf Regeln benutzt Du?
siehe Anhang
> Check doch mal folgendes:
> Steht folgende Zeile in deiner /etc/rc.conf ?
> ifconfig_lo0="inet"
steht nicht mit drinne. muss es mit rein?
> Steht ein Eintrag fuer localhost in /etc/hosts?
hosts: localhost.videogames localhost Webserver.videogames Webserver Andreas.videogames Andreas
ifconfig_lo0="inet 127.0.0. in die rc.conf eingetragen
samba logfile
open_oplock_ipc: Failed to get local UDP socket for address 100007f. Error
was Can't assign requested address
[2003/03/11 13:01:03, 3] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1211)
open_oplock_ipc: opening loopback UDP socket.
[2003/03/11 13:01:03, 0] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(804)
[2003/03/11 13:01:03, 0] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1217)
open_oplock_ipc: Failed to get local UDP socket for address 100007f. Error
was Can't assign requested address
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 3] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1211)
open_oplock_ipc: opening loopback UDP socket.
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 0] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(804)
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 0] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1217)
open_oplock_ipc: Failed to get local UDP socket for address 100007f. Error
was Can't assign requested address
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 3] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1211)
open_oplock_ipc: opening loopback UDP socket.
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 0] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(804)
[2003/03/11 15:05:22, 0] smbd/oplock.c:init_oplocks(1217)
open_oplock_ipc: Failed to get local UDP socket for address 100007f. Error
was Can't assign requested address
diese fehler meldung ist jetzt neu: open_oplock_ipc: opening loopback UDP
Gruss Andreas
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