Re: riesen Problem mit ISDN

From: Matthias Fechner <idefix(at)>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:12:34 +0200 (CEST)


On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Hans-Juergen Schwarz wrote:

> nicht in den Kernel. Folgenden Eintrag habe ich in der MYKERNEL
> eingetragen:
> options AVM_A1_PCI
> device isic

Hast wahrscheinlich was vergessen, hier meine Konfig, weiss aber nicht ob
die noch geht, hab schon seit ueber einen Jahr einen Router, der ISDN und
DSL macht.

# ISDN-Konfiguration
# ******************
options "AVM_A1_PCI"
device isic

# ISDN Protocol Stack
# -------------------
# Q.921 / layer 2 - i4b passive cards D channel handling
pseudo-device "i4bq921"
# Q.931 / layer 3 - i4b passive cards D channel handling
pseudo-device "i4bq931"
# layer 4 - i4b common passive and active card handling
pseudo-device "i4b"
# ISDN devices
# ------------
# userland driver to do ISDN tracing (for passive cards only)
pseudo-device "i4btrc" 4
# userland driver to control the whole thing
pseudo-device "i4bctl"
# userland driver for access to raw B channel
pseudo-device "i4brbch" 2
# userland driver for telephony
pseudo-device "i4btel" 2
# network driver for IP over raw HDLC ISDN
pseudo-device "i4bipr" 2
# enable VJ header compression detection for ipr i/f
options IPR_VJ
# network driver for sync PPP over ISDN
pseudo-device "i4bisppp" 4

pseudo-device "sppp"
options PPP_FILTER

# This provides support for System V shared memory and message queues.
options SYSVSHM
options SYSVMSG

Schau mal vielleicht geht es ja damit.


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