Re: Vinum-ccd and 4 IDE drives

From: Sam van Ratt <sam.vanratt(at)>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 07:29:57 +0100

At 05:19 12.03.01 +0100, Schmalzbauer, Harald wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Hello all,
>I'm having a serious problem with vinum and ccd. I have four 80GB drives
>connected to a supermicro 370DER. I can do a newfs on each drive at the same
>time without any problems, but trying to build a stripeset causes the
>machine to hang horribly.
>First I tried vinum with the following conf
>drive d1 device /dev/ad0e
>drive d2 device /dev/ad1e
>drive d3 device /dev/ad2e
>drive d4 device /dev/ad3e
>volume backup
>plex org striped 256k
>sd length 78159m drive d1
>sd length 78159m drive d2
>sd length 78159m drive d3
>sd length 78159m drive d4
>Everything looked ok, made a newfs and mounted /dev/vinum/backup. I wrote a
>80MB file, ok. I wrote a 800MB file system hangs without any dump.
>Same with fsck. If I fsck /dev/vinum/backup the system hangs.
>I decided to take ccd, but it was exactly the same.
>Here what dmesg says:
>ad0: 78167MB <Maxtor 98196H8> [158816/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
>ad1: 78167MB <Maxtor 98196H8> [158816/16/63] at ata0-slave UDMA33
>ad2: 78167MB <Maxtor 98196H8> [158816/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
>ad3: 78167MB <Maxtor 98196H8> [158816/16/63] at ata1-slave UDMA33
>Fdisk set the geometry to 9964/255/63
>What am I doing wrong?

Using IDE? ;-)

No for sure, I'm using 12 75GB IBM disks in a NAS proto type and
having quite the same, but it didn't really hang but took about one
hour before something really happens. Meanwhile I could log in on ttyx.
Using 5 72gb (I couldn't afford more) SCSI is working great. So I'm
pretty sure it's IDE. (vinum with RAID4 or 5)


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