> ich habe mir nochmal einen -current JKernel gebaut, und diese Dinge
> auskommentiert:
> #options PQ_LARGECACHE # color for 512k/16k cache
> #options NO_MEMORY_HOLE
tja, leider zu früh gefreut ... es geht noch nicht ...
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:31:32.82 415) Calling system inga (port cuaa0)
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:31:37.60 415) Login successful
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:31:37.86 415) Handshake successful (protocol 'i' sending packet/window 1024/16 receiving 1024/16)
uucico inga root (1999-01-08 16:31:37.86 415) Sending rmail DE.FreeBSD.ORG!de-bsd-questions (D.012T) (2197 bytes)
uucico inga news (1999-01-08 16:34:36.13 415) Receiving rnews (37416 bytes)
uucico inga news (1999-01-08 16:34:44.93 415) Receiving rnews (85501 bytes)
uucico inga news (1999-01-08 16:41:10.95 415) ERROR: Timed out waiting for packet
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:41:10.95 415) Protocol 'i' packets: sent 13, resent 198, received 248
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:41:10.95 415) Errors: header 59, checksum 25, order 14, remote rejects 175
uucico inga - (1999-01-08 16:41:11.48 415) Call complete (576 seconds 60200 bytes 104 bps)
dann halt doch wieder den -RELEASE kernel ...
-- Gruß, Andy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der Mensch hat die Atombombe erfunden, eine Maus würde niemals eine Mausefalle bauen! shanee(at)augusta.de Zirbelnußtown __________________________________________________________________________
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