On Thursday, 25 November 1999 at 9:12:48 +0100, J Wunsch wrote:
> As Gregor Bittel wrote:
>> Nichts gegen Debian, aber wenn sie das Ziel haben, dann müssen die
>> ebenfalls die Sourcen freilegen und im Netz downloadbar machen,
>> natürlich ebenfalls unentgeltlich wie bei FBSD.
> Häh? Macht Debian das nicht? Debian ist doch schließlich ein reines
> Hobby-Projekt, kein kommerzieller Distributor.
> Wenn sie meinen... Es wäre immerhin interessant zu erfahren, wie
> sowas funktioniert. Ich bezweifle es ja ein bißchen, da einige
> Utilities stark an den Kernel gebunden sind (ps, oder vieles aus /sbin
> und /usr/sbin), bei anderen Sachen ist es wieder egal. Es wäre vom
> Userland her halt ein Linux.
Es scheint wahr zu sein. Schaut mal bei
http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/1999/45/ nach. Zitat:
Debian with the FreeBSD kernel was the subject of a heated
week-long discussion. It seems that since this idea was first
conceived in February, a few people have been working on the
port. The status of their work can be read about here. Basically,
they are using the FreeBSD kernel and libc, and recompiling Debian
packages to work on that system. Reactions varied. John Goerzen
worries that a version of Debian based on a BSD copyrighted kernel
would open the door to third parties taking our work and making it
proprietary, and also that "we are essentially giving first aid to
software that is dying (and rightfully so) because of its
license". Many others disagree with him and have no problems with
the BSD license. Others wonder if it wouldn't be technically
better, and easier in the long run, to port glibc to FreeBSD, and
allow Debian packages to be used unchanged with that kernel and
library combination.
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