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From: "S.P.Zeidler" <spz(at)serpens.swb.de>
Message-Id: <199706261753.TAA03931(at)serpens.swb.de>
Subject: [LOCAL/Karlsruhe Germany] NetBSD-Stammtisch
To: current-users(at)NetBSD.ORG, <netbsd-announce(at)NetBSD.ORG>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 19:53:01 +0200 (MET DST)
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Hi all,
as there are at least 6 active NetBSD users in or at least around
Karlsruhe, Germany, who like to eat and drink well, have a chat and steal
each others fries (or applicable foodstuff, if well defended and not too
messy), we have decided to form a regular, monthly NetBSD get-together,
Stammtisch in German. Anyone who likes to join us, both regularily or
while they happen to drop by, is heartily invited to do so.
First NetBSD-Stammtisch KA is scheduled to take place at Friday the 4th of
July at the Caminetto (Italian restaurant near Kronenplatz).
We will likely variate both weekday and location, though.
If you cannot come this time but would like to get invited to the next,
write to kleink(at)NetBSD.ORG or reply to this mail to get on our mailing
In German:
Da es in Karlsruhe eine gute Handvoll zumindest zeitweise anwesender
NetBSDler gibt, wollen wir sowas wie einen monatlichen Stammtisch
aufziehen. Dieser soll an ggf wechselnden Orten (Futterstellen
durchtesten :-) und Wochentagen stattfinden. Der erste solche Stammtisch
soll am uebernaechsten Freitag im Caminetto in der Naehe vom Kronenplatz
(Richtung Uni) stattfinden.
Wer diesmal nicht kann, kann entweder auf diese Mail antworten oder auch
an kleink(at)netbsd.org, um auf unsere Stammtisch-Koordinierungs-Mailingliste
zu kommen.
-- spz(at)serpens.swb.de (S.P.Zeidler) -----End of forwarded message-----Received on Thu 26 Jun 1997 - 20:09:56 CEST