CLUB LIVE Saturday July 19 st. 2003 9 PM
Alton & Darrly Garcia
The Creators of RAW and Cupids are proud to present the
launch of orange county's newest monthly SUPERCLUB!
The LIVE Stage DJ's Adam Webb
Las Vegas SuperStar DJ Rock'n The LIVE Stage
Glitz Glam and a Whole Lotta Mayhem!
Amazing Stage and Lighting Production
The Glamorous GIRLS if LIVE
LIVE-Limited Presale Tickets
Exclusive Plush VIP Room with all the amenities of a ROCK STAR
There is no Concert Before Our Party, we're ready Arrive Early! We are Opening The Main Theatre Doors open at 10 PM till 2 AM.
The Grove of Anaheim
2200 E. Katella Ave. (In the EDISON Stadium Parking Lot)
Club info line (714)-517-7737
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Received on Sat 19 Jul 2003 - 09:12:35 CEST