maximale Dateigröße auf BD-R

From: Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff(at)>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2017 11:10:59 +0200

Tag allerseits,

ich rätsle gerade über eine Containerdatei, die auf eine BD-R kopiert
werden soll. Wie graoß darf ich die machen?

Mittels cd_disect bekomme ich mit der eingelegten Scheibe folgende

CD recorded capacity is LBA 0 (0 blocks), blk_len 2048

Disc information
        Drive returned 32 bytes of data
        Disc type : CD-DA or CD-ROM Disc or non CD
        Disc status : empty disc
        Kind of disc : NOT eraseable (recordable disc)
        First track number : 1
        Number of sessions : 1
        Drive does NOT support setting OPC information; num tables 0
        Last session information :
                State : empty
                From track 1 to track 1 (including hidden)
        Disc is in 'Restricted Use Mode'
        Background formatting not applicable
        Disc has NO valid 'Disc ID' : (0x00000000)
        Disc has NO valid 'Disc Bar Code' : (0x0000000000000000)
        Disc has NO valid 'Disc Application code' : (0x0)
        Last Session Lead-in Start Address not dumped
        Last Possible Lead-out Start Address not dumped

        Drive reported no recording speeds and OPC data

Reading track and session information; track by track
        Track 1 of session 1
                Start at : 0
                Length : 12219392
                Trackmode : data track ; uninterrupted
                Datamode : mode 1
                Free blocks : 12219392
                Packet size : 32
                Next writable : 0
                Blank track
                Packet mode track

Format capabilities
        Current/max capacity followed by additional capacity, reported length of 40 bytes (8/entry)

        Format type 0x00 : full format capacity (non packet)
                Unformatted media, maximum formatted capacity
                Number of blocks : 12219392 (sectors)
                Parameter : 200704 (block length in bytes)

        Format type 0x00 : full format capacity (non packet)
                Unspecified descriptor type
                Number of blocks : 11826176 (sectors)
                Parameter : 12288 (block length in bytes)

        Format type 0x32 : reserved
                Unspecified descriptor type
                Number of blocks : 11826176 (reserved)
                Parameter : 0 (reserved)

        Format type 0x32 : reserved
                Unspecified descriptor type
                Number of blocks : 5796864 (reserved)
                Parameter : 0 (reserved)

        Format type 0x32 : reserved
                Unspecified descriptor type
                Number of blocks : 12088320 (reserved)
                Parameter : 0 (reserved)

        Note: last entry might be all zero due to deviation from SCSI standard

Darf ich also 2048 * 12219392 für dd als Sektormenge benutzen oder muß
ich noch Platz für irgendwas übriglassen?

Und welches Format ist das richtige für eine Datenscheibe?

Beste Grüße,

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