Re: Upgrade 7.4 auf 8.3 - gpt Partitionen werden nicht mehr gefunden

From: Nicola Tiling <nti(at)>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 21:36:29 +0200

... hat gut geklappt mit einem angepasstem Kernel:

nooptions GEOM_PART_BSD
nooptions GEOM_PART_EBR
nooptions GEOM_PART_MBR
options GEOM_BSD
options GEOM_LABEL
options GEOM_MBR

Unsicher war ich mir bei "GEOM_PART_BSD" versus "GEOM_BSD" - aber so läuft es :-))))

> GEOM_PART_GPT cannot be nested.
> You should backup your data and recreate your partitions, then restore the data.
> The hackish way: you can remove GEOM_PART_MBR and GEOM_PART_EBR from your kernel config,
> and use GEOM_MBR instead. But you can still use GEOM_PART_GPT. In this case GEOM_PART_GPT will be
> attached to the GEOM_MBR provider and nesting will not be detected.

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