Hi die zweite,
Peter Wullinger <peter.wullinger(at)gmail.com> words
on 13.06.2006 - 09:16 (+0200 Zulu-Time):
> In epistula a J. Erik Heinz, die horaque Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 12:44:44AM +0200:
> Ob der
> Kampf mit cups jemals endet, ist eine andere Frage ;-)
das merke ich gerade.
Hab den Drucker jetzt an meinen Printserver angeschlossen, ein SMC
Barricade 7004ABR.
Unter Windows funktioniert das drucken. Wenn ich es aber mit FBSD
probiere scheitere ich kläglich. Die cups konfiguration des remote
druckers habe ich wie folgt vorgenommen:
Name: Gerald
Device: LPD/LPR Host or Printer
Device URI: lpd://
Make: Samsung
Model: Samsung ML-2250 Series ( SPL II ) ( en )
Die Device URI hab ich aus dem handbuch. Hab es auch schon mit wilden
kombination des prots (515) und des lpt1 gemacht. Hatte eigentlich
immer das gleiche Resltat:
"Could not find a suitable printer!"
Device URI: lpd://
Wenn ich mir das logfile anschaue, fallen folgende passage auf:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] execv(/etc/init.d/cups): No
such file or directory
ich hab mal testhalber folgendes versucht:
ln -s /usr/local/etc/rc.d/cupsd /etc/init.d/cups
Der erfolg war aber nur das eine Seite gedruckt wurde mit dem
folgenden Inhalt:
cupsd already running ? (pid=474)
E [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Could not find a suitable
Was wie oben aussagt, das der Drucker nicht gefunden wurde...
Jetzt frag ich mich natürlich ob ich eventuell was falsch konfiguriert
habe. Hier insbesondere, ist die 'Location' bei der cups
konfiguration wichtig. Diese scheint ja beim anschluss über den
parallelport wichtig zu sein. Hab auch mal testhalber eingetragen,
leider ohne Wirkung.
Oder ob der Printserver einfach hinüber ist.
Nachfolgend nochmal die /usr/local/etc/cups/printers.conf und
ein Auzug aus der /var/log/cups/error_log
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.1.23
# Written by cupsd on Wed Jun 14 22:17:46 2006
<Printer Gerald>
DeviceURI lpd://
State Idle
Accepting Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
<DefaultPrinter Samsung>
Info Samsung ML-2250 Laser
Location /dev/lpt0
DeviceURI parallel:/dev/lpt0
State Idle
Accepting Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ReadClient: 5 GET /printers/Gerald
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] CGI
/usr/local/libexec/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 11357
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] Started
"/usr/local/libexec/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=11357)
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] SendCommand: 5 file=8
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:10 +0000] CloseClient: 7
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 5 GET
/printers/Gerald?op=print-test-page HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CGI
/usr/local/libexec/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 11358
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Started
"/usr/local/libexec/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=11358)
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] SendCommand: 5 file=8
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST /printers/Gerald
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] print_job: request file type is
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] check_quotas: requesting-user-name =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] print_job: requesting-user-name =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Adding default job-sheets values
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Adding start banner page "none" to job
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Adding end banner page "none" to job
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Job 53 queued on 'Gerald' by 'root'.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Job 53 hold_until = 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob(53, 0x81a5800)
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob() id = 53, file = 0/1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] job-sheets=none,none
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] banner_page = 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: argv =
"Gerald","53","root","Test Page","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00053-001"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en_US"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[7]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[11]="PRINTER=Gerald"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: envp[15]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: statusfds = [ 9 10 ]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 11 -1 ]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filter =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 12 13 ]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000]
start_process("/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbfbedb60,
0xbfbeced0, 11, 13, 10)
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Started filter
/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11359) for job 53.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filter =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 11 14 ]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000]
start_process("/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/ppmtospl2", 0xbfbedb60,
0xbfbeced0, 12, 14, 10)
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Started filter
/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/ppmtospl2 (PID 11360) for job 53.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: backend =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 12 ]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000]
start_process("/usr/local/libexec/cups/backend/lpd", 0xbfbedb60,
0xbfbeced0, 11, 12, 10)
I [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] Started backend
/usr/local/libexec/cups/backend/lpd (PID 11362) for job 53.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] AcceptClient: 10 from localhost:631.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Page = 612x792; 12,12 to
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0,
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources:
procset testprint/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources:
font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet,
Easy Software Products
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%Title: Test Page
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%EndComments
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%BeginResource procset
testprint 1.1 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%EndResource
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%EndProlog
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] pw = 587.0, pl = 767.0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] PageLeft = 12.5, PageRight =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] PageTop = 779.5, PageBottom =
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] PageWidth = 612.0, PageLength
= 792.0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] 0 %%EOF
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Saw EOF!
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] execv(/etc/init.d/cups): No
such file or directory
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Starting cups server failed!
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 10 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 10 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CloseClient: 7
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CloseClient: 10
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CloseClient: 7
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
E [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Could not find a suitable
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Starting cups server failed!
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CloseClient: 7
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] CloseClient: 7
E [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] PID 11360 stopped with status 2!
E [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Could not find a suitable
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53]
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Connected on ports 515 (local
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command 02 lpt1
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Sending command string (6
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Reading command status...
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command returning 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Control file is:
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Hdevelop.jerik.jk
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Proot
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] JTest Page
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] ldfA362develop.jerik.j
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] UdfA362develop.jerik.j
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] NTest Page
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command 02 92
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Sending command string (26
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:13 +0000] [Job 53] Reading command status...
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command returning 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command 03 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] [Job 53] Sending command string (25
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] [Job 53] Reading command status...
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] [Job 53] lpd_command returning 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] UpdateJob: job 53, file 0 is complete.
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] CancelJob: id = 53
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] StopJob: id = 53, force = 0
D [14/Jun/2006:22:21:14 +0000] StopJob: printer state is 3
-- J. Erik Heinz Keyboard-samuraing in process :: All non-mailinglist mail to this emailadress will be deleted. OpenBC: https://www.openbc.com/hp/JErik_Heinz Blog: http://jerik.blogspot.com To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo(at)de.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Wed 14 Jun 2006 - 22:38:47 CEST