nun, die Novatel Merlin mit der ich/wir uns so lange herumgeschlagen
habe(n) konnte ich gegen die Option 3G Quad tauschen.
Über die bin ich gerade im Netz. Mit Hilfe von ging das absolut
Dank nochmal an Euch für Eure geduldige Unterstützung mit der Novatel Merlin.
Ausprobiert habe ich den Patch für "sio" dann leider nicht mehr.
> Moin,
> ich habe ein IBM R31 und eine Vodafone PCMCIA UMTS Karte. Auf dem
> Notebook läuft ein FreeBSD 6.0-Release und die Ports sind aktuell.
> Seit Tagen beschäftige ich mich damit mit der UMTS-Karte ins Internet zu
> kommen und bin jetzt immerhin soweit (Dank an google, das Handbuch und
> man), dass eine Verbindung steht, jedoch kann ich lediglich IP-Adressen
> pingen. Selbst eine IP-Adresse in einen Browser zu werfen oder auch ein
> ssh auf eine IP bleibt ohne Ergebnis (time out) Überrascht bin ich, dass
> ich das gleiche Problem beim user-ppp _und_ beim kernel-ppp habe!
> -------------
> ppp-Versionen
> -------------
> Getestet habe ich mit pppd-2.3.11 (user-ppp), pppd-2.3.5 (kernel-ppp)
> "von Hand" und mit kppp (KDE-3.5.2) als Frontend, wobei ich eine
> Verbindung via kernel-ppp nur mit Hilfe von kppp aufbauen konnte.
> ----------
> UMTS-Karte
> ----------
> Bei der Karte handelt es sich um die Version, die sich als serielles
> device ausgibt (/var/log/messages):
> pccard0: Allocation failed for cfe 7
> sio4: <Novatel Wireless Merlin UMTS Modem> at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 11
> function 0 config 15 on pccard0
> sio4: type 16550A
> sio4: unable to activate interrupt in fast mode - using normal mode
> pccard0: Allocation failed for cfe 7
> pccard0: Allocation failed for cfe 15
> sio5: <Novatel Wireless Merlin UMTS Modem> at port 0x2e8-0x2ef irq 11
> function 1 config 23 on pccard0
> sio5: type 16550A
> sio5: unable to activate interrupt in fast mode - using normal mode
> Bzw ATI im Terminal gibt folgende Infos:
> Manufacturer: Novatel Wireless Incorporated
> Model: Merlin U630 (HW REV [0:55])
> Revision: 12.0-12.0 [2005-02-09 17:22:37]
> Die PIN-Abfrage ist deaktiviert.
> -------------------
> kernel-ppp mit kppp
> -------------------
> Man sieht, ich bekomme eine IP-Adresse, ich kann wild pingen, z.B. die
> Namserver oder google.
> Eine höhere Geschwindigkeit als 115200 führt dazu, dass kppp gar nicht
> erst wählt.
> Konfiguration kppp
> ------------------
> pppd-Argumente:
> noipdefault
> :
> novj
> noccp
> defaultroute
> DNS (manuell):
> Modem:
> /dev/cuad4
> Geschwindigkeit:
> 115200
> ifonfig
> -------
> ppp0: flag=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
> inet --> netmask 0xff000000
> /var/log/messages
> -----------------
> pppd[779]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
> pppd[779]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cuad4
> pppd[779]: local IP address
> pppd[779]: remote IP address
> pppd[779]: Connection terminated, connected for 3 minutes
> kernel: sio4: 5495 more interrupt-level buffer overflows (total 5495)
> pppd[808]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
> pppd[808]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cuad4
> pppd[808]: local IP address
> pppd[808]: remote IP address
> pppd[808]: Connection terminated, connected for 4 minutes
> kernel: sio4: 47357 more interrupt-level buffer overflows (total 52852)
> --------
> user-ppp
> --------
> Auch beim user-ppp sieht man, dass IP-Adresse und hier auch DNS-Server
> zugewiesen werden.
> Auch beim user-ppp wird gar nicht erst gewählt, wenn ich eine höhere
> Geschwindigkeit als 115200 angebe ("Invalid Speed").
> /etc/ppp/ppp.conf
> -----------------
> default:
> set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
> ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
> set device /dev/cuad4
> #set speed 384000
> set speed 115200
> set timeout 180
> enable dns
> umts:
> set phone *99***1\#
> set authkey ""
> set authname ""
> set dial AT_OPSYS=1,2
> AT+CGDCONT=1,\\\"IP\\\",\\\"\\\" OK \\dATDT\\T TIMEOUT 40
> set ifaddr
> disable deflate pred1 mppe ipv6cp
> add! default HISADDR
> Aufruf von Kommandozeile
> # ppp -auto umts
> Working in auto mode
> Using interface: tun0
> ifonfig
> -------
> tun0: flag=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
> inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
> Opend by PID 740
> /var/log/ppp.log
> -----------------
> Das ist ein kompletter Wählvorgang inkl. Auflegen:
> ppp[739]: Phase: Using interface: tun0
> ppp[739]: Phase: deflink: Created in closed state
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: default: ident user-ppp VERSION (built
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: default: set device /dev/cuad4
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: default: set speed 115200
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: default: set timeout 180
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: default: enable dns
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set phone *99***1#
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set authkey ********
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set authname
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set dial AT_OPSYS=1,2
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set dial ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\sCARRIER
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: set ifaddr
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: disable deflate pred1 mppe ipv6cp
> ppp[739]: tun0: Command: umts: add! default HISADDR
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: PPP Started (auto mode).
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Establish
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: closed -> opening
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> dial
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Phone: *99***1#
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: deflink: Dial attempt 1 of 1
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Send: ATZ^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Expect(5): OK
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: ATZ^M^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: OK^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Send: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Expect(5): OK
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""^M^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: OK^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Send: ATDT*99***1#^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Expect(40): CONNECT
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: ATDT*99***1#^M^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Chat: Received: CONNECT^M
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: dial -> carrier
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: /dev/cuad4: CD detected
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier -> login
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: login -> lcp
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Stopped
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerStart
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(1) state = Stopped
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACFCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: PROTOCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MRU[4] 1500
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM[6] 0x537d770c
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Stopped --> Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvConfigReq(0) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: AUTHPROTO[5] 0xc223 (CHAP 0x05)
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM[6] 0x084bf922
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: PROTOCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACFCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: SendConfigAck(0) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: AUTHPROTO[5] 0xc223 (CHAP 0x05)
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM[6] 0x084bf922
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: PROTOCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACFCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(1) state = Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACFCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: PROTOCOMP[2]
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MRU[4] 1500
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM[6] 0x537d770c
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerUp
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(0) state = Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM 537d770c
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: TEXT user-ppp 3.4.2 (built Jan 12 2006)
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Authenticate
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: his = CHAP 0x05, mine = none
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvDiscardReq(1) state = Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: Chap Input: CHALLENGE (16 bytes from
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: Chap Output: RESPONSE ()
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: Chap Input: SUCCESS
> ppp[740]: tun0: CCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
> ppp[740]: tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Stopped
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Network
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerStart.
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(1) state = Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(1) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Primary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Secondary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Primary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Secondary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(3) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Primary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Secondary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(4) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigReq(0) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: [EMPTY]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigNak(0) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigRej(4) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(1) state = Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: MAGICNUM 537d770c
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: TEXT user-ppp 3.4.2 (built Jan 12 2006)
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(5) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigReq(1) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: [EMPTY]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigAck(1) state = Req-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: [EMPTY]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(5) state = Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6] changing address: -->
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Primary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Secondary nameserver set to
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(6) state = Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(6) state = Ack-Sent
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: PRIDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: SECDNS[6]
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerUp.
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: myaddr hisaddr =
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: HDLC errors -> FCS: 8, ADDR: 0, COMD: 0,
> PROTO: 0
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: HDLC errors -> FCS: 2, ADDR: 0, COMD: 0,
> PROTO: 0
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: Signal 15, terminate.
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerDown:
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendTerminateReq(7) state = Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Opened --> Closing
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvTerminateAck(7) state = Closing
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerFinish.
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: Connect time: 298 secs: 264 octets in, 936 octets
> out
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: 3 packets in, 13 packets out
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: total 4 bytes/sec, peak 102 bytes/sec on Wed Apr
> 12 13:11:46 2006
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Closing --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Terminate
> ppp[740]: tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Stopped --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Initial
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerDown
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: SendTerminateReq(2) state = Opened
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Opened --> Closing
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: open -> lcp
> ppp[740]: tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Initial
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvTerminateAck(2) state = Closing
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerFinish
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Closing --> Closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Initial
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> logout
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: logout -> hangup
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 302 secs: 2175 octets in,
> 1509 octets out
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: 37 packets in, 28 packets out
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: total 12 bytes/sec, peak 163 bytes/sec on Wed
> Apr 12 13:09:39 2006
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: deflink: hangup -> closed
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Dead
> ppp[740]: tun0: Phase: PPP Terminated (normal).
> Kann mir jemand einen Rat geben? Ich weiß im Moment wirklicht nicht mehr
> weiter.
> Vielen Dank,
> Benjamin
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> with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the message
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Received on Mon 24 Apr 2006 - 22:01:08 CEST