Nicolas Rachinsky <list(at)> wrote:
> * Heino Tiedemann <rotkaps_spam_trap(at)> [2004-08-16 17:46 +0200]:
>> Was bedeutet denn die erste Zeile in diesem Ausschnitt der Manpage:
>> ,----[ man ppp ]
>> | allow user Xo [s]
>> |
>> | logname ... By default, only user id 0 is allowed access to ppp . If
>> | this command is used, all of the listed users are allowed access to
>> | the section in which the ``allow users'' command is found. The
>> | `default' section is always checked first (even though it is only ever
>> | automatically loaded at startup). ``allow users'' commands are
>> | cumulative in a given section, but users allowed in any given section
>> | override users allowed in the default section, so it's possible to
>> | allow users access to everything except a given label by specifying
>> | default users in the `default' section, and then specifying a new user
>> | list for that label.
>> |
>> | If user `*' is specified, access is allowed to all users.
>> `----
>> "allow user Xo [s]" -> Was bedeutet das 'Xo', das was '[s]'?!
> allow user[s] logname...
> By default, only user id 0 is allowed access to ppp. If this
> So sieht es zumindest bei mir aus. Mit was schaust Du die Manpage an?
Konqueror :-(
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