german/de-openoffice-1.1 will bei mir nicht bauen. Fehlermeldung:
checking whether to build with Java support... yes
checking for javac... no
checking for java... no
checking the installed JDK... configure: error: JAVA not found. You need at least jdk-1.3
===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to openoffice(at) [maintainer] and attach
including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be
a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
(e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/german/openoffice-1.1.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/german/openoffice-1.1.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade34960.0 make
** Fix the problem and try again.
** The following packages were not installed or upgraded (*:skipped / !:failed)
! german/openoffice-1.1 (de-openoffice-1.1.0_1) (configure error)
Dabei ist Java installiert:
[docvalde(at)sharra ~]$ pkg_info | grep jdk
jdk-1.4.2p6_4 Java Development Kit 1.4.2
linux-sun-jdk- Sun Java Development Kit 1.4 for Linux
[docvalde(at)sharra ~]$ uname -a
FreeBSD sharra.docvalde.local 5.2.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p3 #0: Fri Mar 19 04:58:51 CET 2004 docvalde(at)sharra.docvalde.local:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/SHARRA i386
Wer weiss Rat?
Dank && Gruß,
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Received on Mon 22 Mar 2004 - 17:39:35 CET