Re: Wo findet man FreeBSD @ CeBit 2004?

From: Christian Brueffer <chris(at)>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 16:14:42 +0100

On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 10:30:54AM +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Miroslav V.Shaltev <Miroslav.Shaltev(at)> wrote:
> > Hi, i just wanted to find freebsd @ cebit 2004 in Hannover, Germany,
> > but that was not easy, actualy i found just some linux clowns as redhat &
> > suse. I think there is no bsd stand and this is not fun :( Can you help me
> > please, regards, Miroslav. S.Shaltev
> I don't exactly understand what your problem is. Why are
> you looking for a BSD stand? What kind of information do
> you expect to find there?
> (There is no BSD stand at CeBIT 2004, AFAIK, and I think
> it would be a waste of money.)

Actually there was one last year (only OpenBSD and NetBSD though). It
was somewhere at the "Linux Park" (therefore it was for free).

I think this year no one asked the organizers for a place (at least I
haven't heard anything).

- Christian

Christian Brueffer	chris(at)	brueffer(at)
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