Our virus detector has just been triggered by a message you sent:-
To: pics(at)rate.ee
Subject: Re: Re: Thanks!
Date: Thu Mar 11 09:12:07 2004
Any infected parts of the message (document.pif)
have not been delivered.
This message is simply to warn you that your computer system may have a
virus present and should be checked.
The virus detector said this about the message:
Report: document.pif Infection: W32/Netsky.D(at)mm
Shortcuts to MS-Dos programs are very dangerous in email (document.pif)
No programs allowed (document.pif)
-- MailScanner Email Virus Scanner www.mailscanner.info Mailscanner thanks transtec Computers for their support To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo(at)de.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Thu 11 Mar 2004 - 08:13:55 CET