Peter Ross <Peter.Ross(at)> writes:
> mixer(8) sagt:
> Mixer vol is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer pcm is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer speaker is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer line is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer mic is currently set to 0:0
> Mixer cd is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer rec is currently set to 0:0
> Mixer line1 is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer phin is currently set to 0:0
> Mixer phout is currently set to 0:0
> Mixer video is currently set to 75:75
> Mixer monitor is currently set to 75:75
Da fehlt noch die Zeile mit der 'Recording Source'.
> Line muesste danach "an" sein?
'mixer =rec line' hilft möglicherweise.
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