Am 02.09.2003 um 14:01:19 schrieb Nicolas Rachinsky:
> man isdnd.rc
> alert is used to specify a time in seconds to wait
> before accepting a call. This keyword is only
> usable for incoming telephone calls (dialin-reac-
> tion = answer). It is used to have a chance to
> accept an incoming call on the phone before the
> answering machine starts to run. The minimum
> value for the alert parameter is 5 seconds and the
> maximum parameter allowed is 180 seconds.
> (optional)
THX für eure schnellen Antworten...hab ich die Lösung doch glatt in der
Manpage überlesen...
Best Regards
-- .-. Ralf Kessler * Freiburg/Germany * http://www.ralfkessler.de/ .-. oo| Fon: +49 177 6926022 * Mailadresse im Header oo| /`'\ GnuPG 1.2.1 Key-ID: 0x6ACF23D7 (DSA/EG) /`'\ (\_;/) PGP-Key: mailto:pgpkey(at)kesslernet.de (Autoresponder) (\_;/) To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Tue 02 Sep 2003 - 14:49:46 CEST