RE: Re[2]: Angriff auf Server

From: Nicola Tiling <nti(at)>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:34:09 +0100

Es geht wohl darum sich das passwd file zu greifen:

Someone attempted to get a file named 'passwd' via tftp.
This could mean one of two things.  First, it could mean that
someone was tftp'ing into your machine and tried to get a file with
'passwd' in it's name.  Secondly, it could mean someone was tftp'ing
from your system and tried to get a file with 'passwd' in it's name.
If this file is really _the_ passwd file, then your machine was
possibly compromised and the attacker is attempting to upload a new
passwd file or tftp'd your passwd file offsite for analysis and/or
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-de-bsd-questions(at)DE.FreeBSD.ORG 
> [mailto:owner-de-bsd-questions(at)DE.FreeBSD.ORG] On Behalf Of Alex
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 2:19 AM
> To: de-bsd-questions(at)
> Subject: Re[2]: Angriff auf Server
> Hi Bernd Walter,
>   > "Erfolgreichen Administrator Privileg Gewinn" hervorrufen.
> was genau heisst das?
> man bekommt doch wohl nicht eine shell zu gesicht, oder kann dem prog
> mitteilen, welche programme gestartet werden sollen, oder?
> naja, bitte klärt mich mal jemand auf...
> --
> mfg
>  Alex                          mailto:mailinglists1(at)
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Received on Tue 04 Feb 2003 - 09:34:28 CET

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