Re: ftpd und No buffer space available?

From: Karl Arsch <baszd-meg(at)>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 02:47:16 -0700 (PDT)

Hallo zusammen!

Na also, geht doch! Das Problem lag ganz wo anders...

Es klappt alles wie es soll, solange die ftp-connection auf passive mode
steht, weil

The client sends the server an ip address and port to connect to.
The IP address is presumably its own, and the port is a random one that
the client has grabbed. So, using active mode, all data connections are
done in reverse... the server connects to the client. This causes
problems for firewalls, understandably.

Danke an alle die geholfen haben!; zumindest habe ich dazugelernt 8)



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