From: Peter Ross <petros(at)>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:35:38 +0100 (MET)


noch einmal zum ISDN mittels idnd und Device isp - entschuldigt, dass ich damit
so nerve, aber ich bekomme das einfach nicht gebacken.

Nach einer Umstellung eines Mitarbeiterzuganges auf FreeBSD 4.1 (von CD, zum
cvsup etc. bin ich noch nicht gekommen..) von 3.5 koennen die meisten
Mitarbeiter, aber nicht alle, sich einwaehlen.

Ein Beispiel betrifft eine Mitarbeiterin mit externem ISDN-Modem ACER-ISDN T30
von TKR, ueber ein serielles Kabel mit einem Mac verbunden.

Mit 3.5 funktioniert ein "64k ACER-ISDN PPP". Bei 4.1 klappt die Verbindung
nicht, es kommt zu folgenden Paketen:

12:37:28.437358 ID-038 LCP: Configure-Request, Magic-Number=34748064
                         0126 000a 0506 0212 36a0
12:37:28.437385 ID-038 LCP: Configure-Ack, Magic-Number=34748064
                         0226 000a 0506 0212 36a0
12:37:28.437457 ID-127 LCP: Terminate-Request
                         057f 0004
12:37:28.476114 ID-127 LCP: Terminate-Ack
                         067f 0004

Und schon ist nach vier Sekunden die Verbindung unten.

Was kann dafuer die Ursache sein?

Das Interface:
# ifconfig isp3
  isp3: flags=9011<UP,POINTOPOINT,LINK0,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        inet --> netmask 0xfffffffc

Die ist bei ihr eingetragen, alles andere wird nach der
Konfiguration "vom Server geliefert".

Es gruesst
Peter Ross

P.S. Hier noch das isdnd.rc, die von 3.5 uebernommen wurde - die Beispiele
liessen auch keine Aenderung erkennen:

# entry section: PPP over ISDN
name = ilka
usrdeviceunit = 3
remote-phone-incoming = xxxx
remote-phone-dialout = xxxx
                                        # incoming only, outgoing only or both:
direction = in # in, out, inout

                                        # what happenes if someone dials in:
dialin-reaction = accept # accept, reject, ignore, answer,
                                        # callback

                                        # the network or telephone device
                                        # the data traffic should be routed to:
usrdevicename = isp # ipr, isp, tel, rbch

                                        # the ISDN controller number to be
                                        # used for this entry:
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for

                                        # numbers used to verify a DIAL IN:
local-phone-incoming = yyyy # this is my number

                                        # numbers used at DIAL OUT time:
local-phone-dialout = yyyy # this is my number

                                        # in case i have several remote
                                        # telephone numbers specified, this
                                        # is used to specify which one is
                                        # used next on dial fail or retry:
remdial-handling = first # first, last or next

                                        # normal dialout or do i call back:
dialout-type = normal # normal / calledback

callbackwait = 5 # no of secs to wait before calling back

                                        # type of protocol on the B-channel:
                                        # hdlc must be specified for IP (the
                                        # ipr and isp drivers), raw must be
                                        # specified for telephone answering
b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw

                                        # shorthold mode and idle time
                                        # configuration:
ratetype = 0 # ratesfile entry to use
unitlength = 90 # unitlength to assume
unitlengthsrc = rate # none, rate, cmdl, conf, aocd
idletime-incoming = 300 # incoming call idle timeout
idletime-outgoing = 300 # outgoing call idle timeout
earlyhangup = 5 # time to hangup before an expected
                                        # next charging unit will occur

                                        # retry and recovery parameters
dialretries = 3 # # of dial retries
dialrandincr = off # random dial increment time
recoverytime = 5 # time to wait between 2 dial tries
usedown = off # set i/f down
downtries = 5 # retry cycles before set down
downtime = 30 # time to be in down before going up

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