On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 06:24:44PM +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> PS: /sbin wird ja allein schon wegen init gebraucht
achja, dieses sich selbst zu wichtig nehmende Shellscript ;-)
/s/Udo (ja, es gibt Systeme, auf denen init mit #!/bin/sh anfängt)
-- "After the night I've had, on top of the year that I've had, what I really want is a nice vile kill. But since that's currently off the menu, I'll have to settle for a few stiff drinks." To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo(at)de.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Wed 06 Dec 2000 - 12:25:04 CET