PPP-Einwahl über ISDN

From: Nicolas <list(at)rachinsky.de>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 00:00:43 +0200

weiß jemand wie man eine PPP-Einwahl mit einer Fritzcard in zum laufen bringt (user-ppp).
Ich verwende FreeBSD 4.1.1 und weiß nicht mehr weiter. Kann mich irgendjemand auf eine
funktionierende Anleitung verweisen?

Ich bin soweit:
FreeBSD rechner hebt ab
ppp wird gestartet
ppp akzeptiert das Paßwort
ppp legt auf Error: DoLoop: select(): Bad file descriptor


Hier noch ein paar Infos über mein System (wenn noch mehr gebraucht wird mmaile ichs gerne)

FreeBSD 4.1.1
ppp 2.27 Sep 25 2000
isdnd 00.90.1 Sep 25 2000

# sample isdnd.rc for taking incoming calls with userland ppp

#ratesfile = /etc/isdn/isdnd.rates # name & location of rates file

#useacctfile = yes # generate accouting info to file
#acctall = on # generate info for everything
#acctfile = /var/log/isdnd.acct # name & location of accounting file

rtprio = 25 # modify isdnd's priority

regexpr = "ULPPP.*call active" # look for matches in log messages
regprog = i4brunppp # execute program when match is found

# ENTRY: Userland PPP over ISDN
name = ULPPP # name for reference
usrdevicename = rbch # ipr, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 0 # unit number
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for any

direction=in # numbers used to verify at DIAL IN
local-phone-incoming = meine_nummer # this is my number
remote-phone-incoming = * # this one can call in

     # numbers used to DIAL OUT
local-phone-dialout = 567 # this is my number
remote-phone-dialout = 123 # i call this number

remdial-handling = first # first, last or next
dialin-reaction = accept # accept, reject, ignore, answer

dialout-type = normal # normal / calledback

b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw

idletime-incoming = 30 # 3 seconds idle timeout
idletime-outgoing = 30 # 3 seconds idle timeout

ratetype = 0 # ratesfile entry to use
unitlength = 60 # unitlength to assume

dialretries = 2 # # of dial retries
recoverytime = 5 # time to wait between 2 dial tries
# EOF #########################################################################

# sample /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

 set log CCP Command IPCP LCP

# label for incoming connections on /dev/i4brbch0

 set proctitle ppp-rbch0
 enable chap
 enable proxy
 set ifaddr
 set timeout 60
 set dial
 set login
 set hangup
 set device /dev/i4brbch0
 set speed sync
 link * set cd 10


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