----- Forwarded message from clemensF <ino-waiting(at)gmx.net> -----
From: "clemensF" <ino-waiting(at)gmx.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 05:41:36 +0200
To: wolfram schneider <wosch(at)FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject: freebsd [2345]?
dear mr. schneider,
first off, i want to apologize for stealing your time, but i need advice
in a few days i will be the owner of a new pc-computer, and i don't know
which os to run on it. currently i'm using freebsd 2.8.8 on my old '386
with 8mb ram, 160mb hard disk and a cdrom drive. i don't know anything
about x11-based applications as my pc tunrned out to be much too slow and
too small for x11.
the new machine will be a pentium class computer with 64mb ram and a 10gb
disk. it's graphic-card has 8mb ram and there will be a sound card, so
this time i envisage limited multimedia capabilities.
i know that with freebsd 3 multiple cpu's could be utilized, but this is
all i know about the freebsd's > 2.
i'm the command line type of user and the only thing i miss is viewing the
occasional gif, a new gnu cc(1) which handles templates to a degree that
c++ programs can be tackled. other than this i'd like the kernel to be
small and stable on the single cpu (amd's k6 `athlon'), i'll definitely
pull in openssl/ssleay and patch lynx to use it (stunnel, w3m, links?).
i'll have a look now on www.freebsd.org to educate me further, but please
mr. schneider, based on what you now know about my situation, which freebsd
(or other?) might be the best choice for me?
ps: are you german, like me?
----- End forwarded message -----
-- Wolfram Schneider <wolfram@schneider.org> http://wolfram.schneider.org To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo(at)de.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Sat 10 Jun 2000 - 11:41:50 CEST