Hallo allerseits!
Nachdem hier so ausfuehrlich ueber ISDN gesprochen wurde,
habe ich (leider) auch ein Problem damit.
Ich bin noch nicht so vertraut mit FreeBSD und ISDN, dass
ich sogar mit der Grundkonfiguration einige Probleme habe.
Klar, das ISDN-Handbuch i4b.ps habe ich gelesen, aber
so ganz klar komme ich noch nicht.
Ich benutze FreeBSD 3.3, wo i4b ja bereits vorhanden ist.
Die enthaltene Version benutze ich auch.
Im Rechner steckt eine AVM Fritz!Card-Classic ISA.
Im Kernel habe ich alle noetigen Optionen und pseudo-devices
aktiviert. Beim Booten wird auch alles erkannt und die
ganzen isdn-devices werden mit "attached" quittiert.
Auch die isdnd.rc habe ich bereits ueberarbeitet....
Wenn ich isdn starte mit "isdnd -f" kommen keine Fehlermeldungen,
sondern das "Fenster", das mir den Status anzeigt.
Die Fritz-Card wird als ok/found quittiert.
Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass hardwaremaessig alles installiert
ist. Was kommt aber in die rc.conf? Muss sppp noch extra
konfiguriert werden?
Mein Problem ist vor allem: Was kommt in rc.conf rein ?
Ich habe da schon alle moeglichen Variationen ausprobiert,
da auf den verschiedenen Webseiten und in den Mailinglisten
allemoeglichen, vollkommen unterschiedlichen Tips zu finden sind.
Normalerweise starte ich nach dem booten das
Skript aus dem i4b.ps, was allerdings von folgender
Fehlermeldung quittiert wird.
"ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): File exists"
Koennt Ihr mir helfen, was in rc.conf reinkommt?
Wenn ich "isdnd -f" gestartet habe, was muss ich
dann noch tun? Sollte dann schon alles laufen oder
habe ich eine Konfiguration vergessen ?
Christoph Prevezanos
------ Hier mal meine isdnd.rc --------
# SYSTEM section: isdnd global configuration parameters
# accounting
# ----------
acctall = on # generate info for everything
acctfile = /var/log/isdnd.acct # name & location of accounting file
useacctfile = yes # generate accouting info to file
# monitor
# -------
monitor-allowed = yes # global switch: monitor on/off
monitor-port = 451 # default monitor TCP port
# Monitor rights are granted due to the most specific host/net spec, i.e. in
# the example below host will have the rights specified on that
# line, even so it belongs to net as well.
# A monitor specification may either be:
# - the name of a local (UNIX-domain) socket; this MUST start with a "/"
monitor = "/var/run/isdn-monitor"
monitor-access = fullcmd
monitor-access = channelstate, logevents
monitor-access = callin, callout
# - a dotted-quad host spec
monitor = ""
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a dotted-quad net spec with "/len" (CIDR-style) netmask spec
# monitor = ""
# monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a resolveable host name
monitor = "warp"
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a resolveable net name with "/len" netmask (s.a.) appended
# monitor = "up-vision-net/24"
# monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# ratesfile
# ---------
ratesfile = /etc/isdn/isdnd.rates # name & location of rates file
# regular expression pattern matching
# -----------------------------------
#regexpr = "connected.*XXX" # look for matches in log messages
#regprog = connectXXX # execute program when match is found
# realtime priority section
# -------------------------
rtprio = 25 # modify isdnd's process priority
# entry section: IP over ISDN example - i call back the remote end
name = I4PPP # name for reference. This name will
# be used in the logfile to identfy
# this entry.
# the network or telephone device
# the data traffic should be routed to:
usrdevicename = isp # ipr, isp, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 0 # unit number
# the ISDN controller number to be
# used for this entry:
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for any
# incoming only, outgoing only or both:
direction = out # in, out, inout
# numbers used to verify a DIAL IN:
local-phone-incoming = * # this is my number
remote-phone-incoming = * # this one can call in
# numbers used at DIAL OUT time:
local-phone-dialout = 05206912218 # this is my number
remote-phone-dialout = 010700192070 # i call this remote number
# in case i have several remote
# telephone numbers specified, this
# is used to specify which one is
# used next on dial fail or retry:
remdial-handling = first # first, last or next
# what happenes if someone dials in:
dialin-reaction = ignore # accept, reject, ignore, answer, callback
# normal dialout or do i call back:
dialout-type = normal # normal / calledback
callbackwait = 1 # no of secs to wait before calling back
# type of protocol on the B-channel:
# hdlc must be specified for IP (the
# ipr and isp drivers), raw must be
# specified for telephone answering
b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw
# shorthold mode and idle time
# configuration:
ratetype = 0 # ratesfile entry to use
unitlength = 60 # unitlength to assume
unitlengthsrc = rate # none, rate, cmdl, conf, aocd
idletime-incoming = 30 # incoming call idle timeout
idletime-outgoing = 60 # outgoing call idle timeout
earlyhangup = 5 # time to hangup before an expected
# next charging unit will occur
# retry and recovery parameters
dialretries = 3 # # of dial retries
dialrandincr = on # random dial increment time
recoverytime = 5 # time to wait between 2 dial tries
usedown = off # set i/f down
downtries = 5 # retry cycles before set down
downtime = 30 # time to be in down before going up
#connectprog = "ip-up" # run /etc/isdn/ip-up when an interface
# has established its network connection.
# example parameters are:
# /etc/isdn/ip-up -d isp0 -f up -a
#disconnectprog = "ip-down" # like connectprog, but run after the connection
# is closed (ISDN layer down). The actual
# interface address might not be known
# any more. example parameters are:
# /etc/isdn/ip-up -d isp0 -f down -a
----- Hier die zur Zeit sicher falsch eingestellte rc.conf ---------
# This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf
# please make all changes to this file.
# -- sysinstall generated deltas -- #
ifconfig_ed0="inet netmask"
network_interfaces="ed0 lo0 tun0 auto"
#ifconfig_isp0="inet link1 up"
#spppconfig_isp0="authproto=chap myauthname=arcor myauthsecret='internet' hisauthname=none hisauthsecret='none'"
#isdn_flags="-dn -d0x1f9"
#isdn_traceflags="-f /var/tmp/isdntrace0"
------- Hier das Script, mit dem ich PPP initialisiere ----------
# ---------------------------------
# ppp setup
# ---------------------------------
echo "configuring I4BISDN/PPP-interface isp0:"
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "removing previous configuration"
ifconfig isp0 delete -link1 down
echo ""
echo "setting PPP options"
spppcontrol isp0 myauthproto=pap
spppcontrol isp0 myauthname=arcor
spppcontrol isp0 myauthsecret=internet
echo ""
echo "configuring IP src/dst adress, netmask and link flags"
ifconfig isp0 netmask 0xffffffff link1
echo ""
echo "finished"
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