timelocal.pl (mirror problem)

From: Christoph Kukulies <kuku(at)gilberto.physik.rwth-aachen.de>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 11:18:37 +0100 (MET)

I'm trying to figure out why (since a couple of days) my mirror
scripts don't work anymore. I ran it interactively now and found the

timelocal:/usr/share/perl/timelocal.pl:73 Caught a SIGFPE shutting down at /home/kuku/mirror/mirror line 3596, <NS> line 1150.

The last file scanned at ftp.freebsd.org at the time the sigfpe was happening

remote: distfiles/lcircle10.tfm 820 668386800 f 0664
remote: distfiles/vmsbackup.tar.Z 16001 647128800 f 0664

(which need not be very significant because of buffering etc.)

timelocal.pl:73: looks like:
package timelocal;

sub cheat {
    $year = $_[5];
    $month = $_[4];
    die "Month out of range 0..11 in ctime.pl\n" if $month > 11;
    $guess = $^T;
    @g = gmtime($guess);
    $year += $YearFix if $year < $epoch[5];
    while ($diff = $year - $g[5]) {
        $guess += $diff * (363 * $DAYS);
>>>>> @g = gmtime($guess); <<<<<<<
    while ($diff = $month - $g[4]) {
        $guess += $diff * (27 * $DAYS);
        @g = gmtime($guess);
    $guess -= $g[0] * $SEC + $g[1] * $MIN + $g[2] * $HR + $g[3] * $DAYS;
    $cheat{$ym} = $guess;

Now I'm not a perl expert to know where to go from here.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kuku(at)gil.physik.rwth-aachen.de
Received on Tue 04 Mar 1997 - 11:11:08 CET

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