AW: ISDN (bisdn)

From: Martin Kandlbinder <indy(at)>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 20:16:42 +0200

Hi Joerg,

vielen Dank fuer Deine Antwort.

Hier ist meine bisdnd.cfg:

Zum testen moechte ich erstmal ne Verbindung innerhalb unserer Telefonanlage aufbauen.

Der ISDN-Anschluss der FreeBSD AVM-Karte hat die Nummer 347.
Der Anschluss von dem aus ich mich einwahlen will hat die Nummer 377.

Ich hab echt keine Ahnung ob meine bisdnd.cfg ueberhaupt Sinn macht.
Trotzdem schon mal vielen Dank fuer Deine Hilfe :-))

Ach ja, ich hab mit der Kiste auch noch nicht nach draussen gewaehlt. Wie kann ich den ueberpruefen ob das ueberhaupt funtioniert.

Und nun, wie befuerchtet meine bisdnd.cfg:

# example of a DSS1 (Euro-ISDN) configuration file for the bisdn-daemon
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# last edit-date: [Mon Jul 8 12:41:52 1996]
# system configuration section
system # this keyword starts the system configuration
                                # ============================================
ratesfile = /etc/bisdn/bisdnd.rates # the name of the ratesfile, specify this
                                # if you don't like the default
acctfile = /var/log/bisdnd.acct # if useacctfile is true, this is the name
                                # of the file the charging and accounting
                                # information is written into.
useacctfile = on # off = do not write accounting info
                                # on = write accounting info into the file
                                # specified by acctfile
acctall = on # off = write accounting records only for
                                # charged connections
                                # on = write accounting records for charged
                                # and not charged connections
answprog = answer # program name of the telephone answering
                                # program, located under /etc/bisdn
playprog = play # program name of the telephone play
                                # program, located under /etc/bisdn
regprog0 = connectHCS # program to be executed when regular
                                # expression regexpr0 is matched
regexpr0 = connected.*HCS # regular expression, this will be compared
                                # to logging output, if match, exec regprog0
# callback IP
entry # this keyword starts a configuration entry
                                # =========================================
name = Martin # symbolic name for this entry/link
                                # any alphanumeric value, just for identification
interface = ipi0 # name of the interface / service
                                # possible entries for interface are:
                                # ipi<n> IP over ISDN, <n> = i/f number
                                # tty login via a tty
                                # answ telephone answering
                                # play telephone playback
controller = 0 # controller number to use for outgoing calls
                                # (is configured by the 'isdntype' keyword)
isdntype = dss1 # isdn protocol type for this controller
                                # possible values are '1tr6' and 'dss1'
telnrem-ldo = 341 # telephone number used to dial out to the
                                # remote site
telnrem-rdi = * # telephone number used to detect/verify a
                                # remote site calling into the local system
                                # a '*' indicates anyone can call in
telnloc-ldo = 347 # my own local telephone number used to tell
                                # the remote site who i am when dialing out.
                                # (in case of the 1TR6 protocol this must be
                                # the local systems 'EAZ')
telnloc-rdi = 347 # my own local telephone number used to verify
                                # me as a correct destination when i'm called
                                # by a remote site.
                                # (in case of the 1TR6 protocol this must be
                                # the local systems 'EAZ')
reaction = accept # what to do when remote site calls in
                                # possible values are:
                                # accept - accept incoming call
                                # reject - reject incoming call
                                # callback - hangup and call back
                                # calledback - after dialing i'm called back
                                # alert - only Juergen knows ...
protocol = raw # protocol to use for this link, values:
                                # raw - raw HDLC frames
                                # ui - ui frames
                                # x75 - X.75 encapsulation
                                # t70 - T.70 protocol
                                # t90 - T.90 protocol
                                # iso - ISO 8208 protocol
dialretries = 3 # number of retries when dialing out
recoverytime = 5 # time in seconds to wait between dial retries
callbackwait = 5 # time in seconds to wait before attempting
                                # to call back a site which will be called back
                                # by this site
idletime-in = 360 # close incoming connection after being idle
                                # this time in seconds
idletime-out = 80 # close outgoing connection after being idle
                                # this time in seconds
unitlength-dyn = off # calculate the unit length time for outgoing
                                # connections dynamically based on the time
                                # between two charging units. possible values
                                # are either 'on' or 'off'.
blocksize = 2048 # max number of byte for an isdn block
ratetype = 0 # which rate entry to use from bisdnd.rates
calledbackwait = 10 # time in seconds to wait for a callback from
                                # a remote site.
# incoming telephone calls
entry # this keyword starts a configuration entry
                                # =========================================
name = TEL-IN # symbolic name for this entry/link
                                # any alphanumeric value, just for identification
interface = ipi0 # name of the interface / service
                                # possible entries for interface are:
                                # ipi<n> IP over ISDN, <n> = i/f number
                                # tty login via a tty
                                # answ telephone answering
                                # play telephone playback
controller = 0 # controller number to use for outgoing calls
                                # (is configured by the 'isdntype' keyword)
isdntype = dss1 # isdn protocol type for this controller
                                # possible values are '1tr6' and 'dss1'
telnrem-ldo = 347 # telephone number used to dial out to the
                                # remote site
telnrem-rdi = * # telephone number used to detect/verify a
                                # remote site calling into the local system
                                # a '*' indicates anyone can call in
telnloc-rdi = 347 # my own local telephone number used to verify
                                # me as a correct destination when i'm called
                                # by a remote site.
                                # (in case of the 1TR6 protocol this must be
                                # the local systems 'EAZ')
telnloc-ldo = 347 # my own local telephone number used to tell

reaction = accept # what to do when remote site calls in
                                # possible values are:
                                # accept - accept incoming call
                                # reject - reject incoming call
                                # callback - hangup and call back
                                # calledback - after dialing i'm called back
                                # alert - only Juergen knows ...
protocol = raw # protocol to use for this link, values:
                                # raw - raw HDLC frames
                                # ui - ui frames
                                # x75 - X.75 encapsulation
                                # t70 - T.70 protocol
                                # t90 - T.90 protocol
                                # iso - ISO 8208 protocol
idletime-in = 30 # close incoming connection after being idle
                                # this time in seconds
ratetype = 0 # which rate entry to use from bisdnd.rates

changeproc = "|/etc/bisnd/start_ppp_%D %N %I" #
# EOF #########################################################################

Von: J Wunsch[SMTP:j(at)]
Gesendet: Samstag, 7. Juni 1997 19:42
An: Martin Kandlbinder
Cc: 'FreeBSD mailing list'
Betreff: Re: ISDN (bisdn)

As Martin Kandlbinder wrote:

> Ich will erreichen, dass man sich ueber ISDN in diesen Server
> einwahlen kann. Was muss ich denn da alles beachten? Ich bin auf
> diesem Gebiet (Einwahlserver) ein absoluter Neuling.

Eigentlich braucht man nicht viel mehr beachten als beim Rauswählen.
Poste doch mal Dein bisdnd.cfg hier. (Du kannst ja die
Telefonnummern anonymisieren.)

Meins ist hier, ich hab's mal von PPP auf raw HDLC zurückgestutzt.

# system configuration section
system # this keyword starts the system configuration

[ alles standardmäßig gelassen ]

[ ...bis auf das hier, ich erlaube einen lokalen Monitor-Client: ]

monitorsw = on
monitorhost =
monitorport = 0815

# dialout IP ## das ist verwirrend, es ist eigentlich beides

name = Firma
interface = ipi0
controller = 0
isdntype = dss1
# anzurufende Nummer
telnrem-ldo = 0815
# ankommende Nummer, Vorwahl ohne 0!
telnrem-rdi = 3510815
# lokale MSN, die beim Anruf mitgegeben werden soll
telnloc-ldo = 2012666
# Lokale MSN, auf die der ankommende Ruf verglichen werden soll.
# Je nach ISDN-Vermittlung kann hier die Vorwahl (ohne 0) nötig
# sein -- die Telekom hat nur zwei große Arten Vermittlungsstellen,
# aber mit absoluter Treffsicherheit haben sie's geschafft, hier
# zwei verschiedene Varianten zu generieren. :-/
# Laß im Zweifelsfalle bisdntrc laufen, da siehst Du die kompletten
# Daten, die auf dem Steuerkanal laufen.
telnloc-rdi = 2012666
#reaction = calledback
reaction = accept
protocol = raw
dialretries = 3
recoverytime = 5
callbackwait = 5
idletime-in = 180
idletime-out = 45
#idletime-out = 120
unitlength-dyn = on
#earlyhangup = 3
blocksize = 1900
ratetype = 0

Das originale bisdnd.cfg ist besser kommentiert, das habe ich hier der
Übersichtlichkeit wegen weggelassen.

cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
Received on Sat 07 Jun 1997 - 20:16:11 CEST

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