Dear FreeBSDers,
Just want to thank the Berlin FreeBSDers (a small selection
of a sure larger community) for the enjoying evening we had yesterday.
We met in Udo Wolters Band's rehearsal room in Berlin Kreuzberg,
Urbanstrasse. Sure a very original meeting point.
Music was nice to listen to, but FreeBSD specific matters
we were unable to discuss due to high level of their amps
volume. For a listening probe also see:
We listened to the band playing a selection of their
repertoire and then we all went to have a nice night meal
in a chinese restaurant round the corner.
Signed present were
Slavan Rezic (eserte(at)
Udo Wolter (uwp(at)
Thomas Gebhard (gepard(at) (a yet to be converted linux user :-)
Wolfram Schneider (wosch(at)
Christoph Kukulies (kuku(at)
Thanks for an enjoying evening during my stay at the CHEP97
conference on Computing in High Energy Physics in Berlin from April 7-11
where I held the FreeBSD banner high and and showed other
physicists from all over the world, SLAC, FNAL, CERN, DESY
and other institutions that there's also "life in other galaxies".
-- Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kuku(at)gil.physik.rwth-aachen.deReceived on Thu 10 Apr 1997 - 12:08:29 CEST