cvs commit: de-docproj/books/handbook/firewalls chapter.sgml

From: Johann Kois <jkois(at)>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:05:02 GMT

jkois 2011-03-10 15:05:02 UTC

  FreeBSD German Documentation Repository

  Modified files:
    books/handbook/firewalls chapter.sgml
  Den Abschnitt IPF in das Handbuch aufnehmen, um die Übersetzung zu erleichtern.
  Übersetzungsstatus: 1 %
  Revision Changes Path
  1.28 +1581 -6 de-docproj/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.sgml
  Index: chapter.sgml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/de-docproj/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.sgml,v
  retrieving revision 1.27
  retrieving revision 1.28
  diff -u -I$FreeBSDde.*$ -r1.27 -r1.28
  --- chapter.sgml 18 Dec 2010 09:32:47 -0000 1.27
  +++ chapter.sgml 10 Mar 2011 15:05:02 -0000 1.28
  @@ -541,12 +541,1587 @@
     <sect1 id="firewalls-ipf">
       <title>Die IPFILTER-Firewall (IPF)</title>
  - <para>Dieses Kapitel ist noch nicht &uuml;bersetzt.
  - Lesen Sie bitte <ulink
  - url="&url.books.handbook.en;/firewalls-ipf.html">
  - das Original in englischer Sprache</ulink>. Wenn Sie helfen
  - wollen, dieses Kapitel zu &uuml;bersetzen, senden Sie bitte
  - eine E-Mail an die Mailingliste &;.</para>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>Firewall</primary>
  + <secondary>IPFILTER</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <para>IPFILTER wird von Darren Reed entwickelt. IPFILTER ist
  + betriebssystemunabh&auml;ngig. Es handelt sich um ein
  + Open Source-Programm, dass unter anderem nach &os; NetBSD,
  + OpenBSD, &sunos;, HP/UX sowie nach &solaris; portiert wurde.
  + IPFILTER wird aktiv unterst&uuml;tzt und gewartet und es
  + werden regelm&auml;&zslig;ig neue Versionen
  + ver&ouml;ffentlicht.</para>
  + <para>IPFILTER kombiniert eine kernelseitige Firewall mit dem
  + <acronym>NAT</acronym>-Mechanismus und kann von
  + Userland-Programmen gesteuert und &uuml;berwacht werden.
  + Firewallregeln werden mit &man.ipf.8; angelegt oder auch wieder
  + gel&ouml;scht. <acronym>NAT</acronym>-Regeln werden hingegen
  + mit &man.ipnat.1; angelegt oder gel&ouml;scht. &man.ipfstat.8;
  + erlaubt es dem Benutzer, Laufzeitstatistiken f&uuml;r die
  + Kernelbereiche von IPFILTER auszugeben. Zur Protokollierung
  + der IPFILTER-Aktivit&auml;ten wird &man.ipmon.8; eingesetzt.</para>
  + <para>IPF was originally written using a rule processing logic of
  + <quote>the last matching rule wins</quote> and used only
  + stateless type of rules. Over time IPF has been enhanced to
  + include a <quote>quick</quote> option and a stateful <quote>keep
  + state</quote> option which drastically modernized the rules
  + processing logic. IPF's official documentation covers only the legacy
  + rule coding parameters and rule file processing
  + logic. The modernized functions are only included as additional
  + options, completely understating their benefits in producing a
  + far superior and more secure firewall.</para>
  + <para>The instructions contained in this section are based on
  + using rules that contain the <quote>quick</quote> option and the
  + stateful <quote>keep state</quote> option. This is the basic
  + framework for coding an inclusive firewall ruleset.</para>
  + <para>For detailed explanation of the legacy rules processing
  + method see: <ulink
  + url=""></ulink>
  + and <ulink
  + url=""></ulink>.</para>
  + <para>The IPF FAQ is at <ulink
  + url=""></ulink>.</para>
  + <para>A searchable archive of the open-source IPFilter mailing list is
  + available at <ulink
  + url=""></ulink>.</para>
  + <sect2>
  + <title>IPF aktivieren</title>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>IPFILTER</primary>
  + <secondary>enabling</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <para>IPF is included in the basic &os; install as a separate run
  + time loadable module. The system will dynamically load the IPF
  + kernel loadable module when the <filename>rc.conf</filename> statement
  + <literal>ipfilter_enable="YES"</literal> is used. The loadable
  + module was created with logging enabled and the
  + <literal>default pass all</literal> options. There is no need
  + to compile IPF into the &os; kernel just to change the default
  + to <literal>block all</literal>. This can be done just by adding
  + a <literal>block all</literal> rule at the end of your ruleset.</para>
  + </sect2>
  + <sect2>
  + <title>Kernel options</title>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>kernel options</primary>
  + <secondary>IPFILTER</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>kernel options</primary>
  + <secondary>IPFILTER_LOG</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>kernel options</primary>
  + <secondary>IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <indexterm>
  + <primary>IPFILTER</primary>
  + <secondary>kernel options</secondary>
  + </indexterm>
  + <para>It is not a mandatory requirement to enable IPF by
  + compiling the following options into the &os; kernel. It is
  + only presented here as background information. Compiling IPF
  + into the kernel causes the loadable module to never be
  + used.</para>
  + <para>Sample kernel config IPF option statements are in the
  + <filename>/usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES</filename> kernel source
  + and are reproduced here:</para>
  + <programlisting>options IPFILTER
  +options IPFILTER_LOG
  +options IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK</programlisting>
  + <para><literal>options IPFILTER</literal> enables support for the
  + <quote>IPFILTER</quote> firewall.</para>
  + <para><literal>options IPFILTER_LOG</literal> enables the option
  + to have IPF log traffic by writing to the
  + <devicename>ipl</devicename> packet logging pseudo&mdash;device
  + for every rule that has the <literal>log</literal>
  + keyword.</para>
  + <para><literal>options IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK</literal> changes
  + the default behavior so any packet not matching a firewall
  + <literal>pass</literal> rule gets blocked.</para>
  + <para>These settings will take effect only after installing a kernel
  + that has been built with the above options set.</para>
  + </sect2>
  + <sect2>
  + <title>Available rc.conf Options</title>
  + <para>To activate IPF at boot time, the following statements need to
  + be added to <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>:</para>
  + <programlisting>ipfilter_enable="YES" # Start ipf firewall
  +ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf.rules" # loads rules definition text file
  +ipmon_enable="YES" # Start IP monitor log
  +ipmon_flags="-Ds" # D = start as daemon
  + # s = log to syslog
  + # v = log tcp window, ack, seq
  + # n = map IP &amp; port to names</programlisting>
  + <para>If there is a LAN behind this firewall that uses the
  + reserved private IP address ranges, the following lines will have to
  + be added to enable <acronym>NAT</acronym>
  + functionality:</para>
  + <programlisting>gateway_enable="YES" # Enable as LAN gateway
  +ipnat_enable="YES" # Start ipnat function
  +ipnat_rules="/etc/ipnat.rules" # rules definition file for ipnat</programlisting>
  + </sect2>
  + <sect2>
  + <title>IPF</title>
  + <indexterm><primary><command>ipf</command></primary></indexterm>
  + <para>The &man.ipf.8; command is used to load your ruleset file.
  + Your custom rules would normally be placed in a file, and the
  + following command could then be used to replace in mass the
  + currently running firewall rules:</para>
  + <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.rules</userinput></screen>
  + <para><option>-Fa</option> means flush all internal rules
  + tables.</para>
  + <para><option>-f</option> means this is the file to read for the
  + rules to load.</para>
  + <para>This gives you the ability to make changes to your custom
  + rules file, run the above IPF command, and thus update the
  + running firewall with a fresh copy of all the rules without
  + having to reboot the system. This method is very convenient
  + for testing new rules as the procedure can be executed as many
  + times as needed.</para>
  + <para>See the &man.ipf.8; manual page for details on the other
  + flags available with this command.</para>

Diff block truncated. (Max lines = 200)

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