jkois 2005/01/06 16:02:24 CET
Modified files:
books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml
share/sgml mailing-lists.ent
Die Mailingliste "freebsd-config" gibts nicht mehr.
- MFen 1.40 share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent
- MFen 1.162 books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml
Revision Changes Path
1.59 +1 -7 de-docproj/books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml
1.24 +1 -6 de-docproj/share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent
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with "unsubscribe de-bsd-translators" in the body of the message
Received on Thu 06 Jan 2005 - 15:55:32 CET