mheinen 2003/10/11 00:31:52 CEST
Modified files:
platforms alpha.sgml amd64.sgml mips.sgml pc98.sgml
ppc.sgml x86-64.sgml
platforms/ia64 refs.sgml
»perl -pi -e 's![ ]+$!!' *.*«
oder Leerzeichen am Zeilenende entfernt.
Revision Changes Path
1.3 +3 -3 de-www/platforms/alpha.sgml
1.3 +2 -2 de-www/platforms/amd64.sgml
1.3 +2 -2 de-www/platforms/mips.sgml
1.3 +5 -5 de-www/platforms/pc98.sgml
1.3 +5 -5 de-www/platforms/ppc.sgml
1.3 +1 -1 de-www/platforms/x86-64.sgml
1.3 +2 -2 de-www/platforms/ia64/refs.sgml
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Received on Sat 11 Oct 2003 - 00:33:22 CEST