Für diejenigen, die -doc nicht lesen: Montag wird die Dokumentation
getaggt. Lies, bitte am Wochenende ist die letzte Gelegenheit, Dinge
für 5.0 zu commiten.
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:35:52PM -0800, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> Hi gang--
> After a recent email thread on another list, I discovered that we don't
> have the doc/ tree tagging on the task list for 5.0. I'm still
> discussing this with the other members of re@ and doceng@ but at this
> point, we should probably assume a doc/ tagging on 13 January, the same
> day as for src/. This date may slip into the future, but will probably
> not happen any earlier.
> As most of us know, the next few days will probably be a very busy time
> for the translation teams as they try to catch up. If you're working
> in the en_US part of the doc/ tree, consider getting critical changes
> committed as soon as possible, and postponing other changes until after
> 5.0.
> Sorry for the short notice and lack of details. I'll pass on more
> information as I get it.
> Bruce.
> PS. 5.0 release documentation is almost done. I'm waiting for
> feedback on a couple of items, but in the worst case there's always the
> errata file.
-- I came; I saw; I fucked up To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo(at)de.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-translators" in the body of the messageReceived on Fri 10 Jan 2003 - 13:48:59 CET