Re: Good, but took 2 days for shipping...

From: bogart <Orlando(at)>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 20:08:38 -0200

No buddy! I've got a cheaper one! And they ship in one day!
I've just ordered 3 packs! Here it is:

----- Original Message -----
From: "reagan" <reagan(at)>
To: "gerik" <gerik7(at)>
Subject: Good, but took 2 days for shipping...

> Hi fella,
> the stuff is damn good and the price is very low but it took 2 days for
> shipping. I've also tried that cialis and it rocks, kaitlin now want to
> 3 times a day! Dude you have to try it out, get it here:

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