[News] Time's Running Out to Re\fi @ 3.75%

From: Isaiah Macias <imaciasnb(at)currys.co.je>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 02:58:35 +0000

Hi there,

Ra[t]es dropped recently ... Get the best % r'ate
JustR-efin-ance your house/prop and you can get more D0l-lars

please c0nfirm within 24 hrs

Shanna Woods
Account Manager

                                ---- system information ----
In a medium bowl, lightly whisk together the yolks and half of the
sugar. In a non-reactive saucepan combine the cream, 1 cup of the milk, the remaining sugar, and the salt. Split the vanilla bean in half, lengthwise, to expose the tar-like seeds inside the pod. Scrape the seeds loose with a knife; add the bean and the seeds to the cream mixture. Heat the cream over medium-high heat until just at a boil. Remove from the heat.

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Received on Fri 27 Aug 2004 - 05:05:42 CEST

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