Buy Regalis, also known as Superviagra or Cialis

From: Phoebe P. Colvin <p_pcolvinmj(at)>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 02:43:44 +0000


Regalis, also known as Superviagra or Cialis
- half a pill Lasts all weekend
- Has less sideeffects
- Has higher success rate

Now you can buy Regalis, for over 70% cheaper than the equivilent brand for sale in US

We ship world wide, and no prescription is required!!

Even if you're not impotent, Regalis will increase size, pleasure and power!

Try it today you wont regret!

Get it here:

Best regards,
Jeremy Stones

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Received on Fri 20 Aug 2004 - 04:44:44 CEST

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