Re: manpath: /usr/local statt /usr bevorzugen?

From: Volker Stolz <stolz(at)>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:41:09 +0000 (UTC)

* Oliver Fromme <olli(at)>:
> Volker Stolz <vs(at)> wrote:
> > Ich habe gerade versucht, über /etc/manpath.config meinem 4.x System
> > beizubringen, das, da ich /usr/local/bin als erstes im Pfad habe,
> > die man page zu 'lp' von CUPS gefälligst aus /usr/local/man zu holen.
> > Statt dessen bekomme ich immer die Doku zum System-lp.
> Dann machst Du irgendwas falsch.

stolz(at)menelaos [13:38:50]> which cvs
stolz(at)menelaos [13:38:52]> manpath
stolz(at)menelaos [13:38:54]> echo $MANPATH

man -d cvs:

using more -s as pager

using i386 architecture
found mandatory man directory /usr/local/man
found mandatory man directory /usr/share/man
found mandatory man directory /usr/share/perl/man
found mandatory man directory /usr/share/openssl/man
found optional man directory /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man

path directory /home/stolz/bin is not in the config file
but it does have a man or MAN subdirectory
adding /home/stolz/man to manpath

path directory /home/stolz/FreeBSD/bin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /home/stolz/FreeBSD/sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /bin is in the config file
adding /usr/share/man to manpath

path directory /usr/sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /usr/local/bin is in the config file
adding /usr/local/man to manpath

path directory /usr/bin is in the config file
/usr/share/man is already in the manpath

path directory /usr/games is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /usr/local/sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /usr/local/staroffice7.0/program is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /usr/local/intel_cc_80/bin is not in the config file
but it does have a man or MAN subdirectory
adding /usr/local/intel_cc_80/man to manpath

path directory /usr/X11R6/bin is in the config file
adding /usr/X11R6/man to manpath

path directory /home/stolz/bin is not in the config file
but it does have a man or MAN subdirectory
/home/stolz/man is already in the manpath

adding mandatory man directories

/usr/local/man is already in the manpath
/usr/share/man is already in the manpath
adding /usr/share/perl/man to manpath
adding /usr/share/openssl/man to manpath
/usr/X11R6/man is already in the manpath

search path for pages determined by manpath is

adding /home/stolz/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/share/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/local/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/local/intel_cc_80/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/X11R6/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/share/perl/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/share/openssl/man to manpathlist

searching in /home/stolz/man
trying section 1 with globbing
globbing /home/stolz/man/man1/cvs.1*
globbing /home/stolz/man/man1/cvs.0*
globbing /home/stolz/man/cat1/cvs.1*
globbing /home/stolz/man/cat1/cvs.0*

searching in /usr/share/man
trying section 1 with globbing
globbing /usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-15/man1/cvs.1*
to_name in convert_name () is: /usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-15/cat1/cvs.1.gz
will try to write /usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-15/cat1/cvs.1.gz if needed
status from is_newer() = 0

trying command: /usr/bin/zcat /usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-15/cat1/cvs.1.gz | more -s

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