ich will XMMS mit aRTS betreiben.
Welches Plugin soll ich nehmen:
| /usr/ports/audio/xmms-arts
| /usr/ports/audio/xmms-arts_output
,----[ xmms-arts ]
| aRts output plugin for XMMS (www.xmms.org).
| Author: Heath Robinson <bheathr(at)mail.com>
| WWW: http://www.xmms.org/plugins.php?category=output
,----[ xmms-arts_output ]
| aRts output plugin for XMMS (www.xmms.org).
| Author: Håvard Kvålen <havardk(at)xmms.org>
| WWW: http://www.xmms.org/plugins.php?category=output
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