da waren parameter in meiner bashrc die beim compelieren als "invalid
identifier" erkannt worden sind ??????
jetzt gehts :).
Otto Kucera wrote:
> hi!
> ich bin gerade beim updaten von imap-uw. leider stehe ich vor einen
> problem.
> imap-uw > make WITH_SSL_AND_PLAINTEXT=YES install clean
> ===> Extracting for imap-uw-2002d,1
> >> Checksum OK for imap-2002d.tar.Z.
> ===> Patching for imap-uw-2002d,1
> ===> Applying FreeBSD patches for imap-uw-2002d,1
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: RCS/Makefile,v
> retrieving revision 1.2
> diff -r1.2 Makefile
> RCS/Makefile,v --> Makefile
> co: invalid identifier `kucera(at)72pixel.at'
> co aborted
> patch: **** can't check out file Makefile from RCS
> >> Patch patch-ad failed to apply cleanly.
> >> Patch(es) patch-aa patch-ab patch-ac applied cleanly.
> *** Error code 1
> was will der?
> otto
-- ----------------------------------- Otto Kucera A-1020 Wien Engerthstrasse 137/6/7 Tel: +43 699 1 942 30 91 [neue Nummer!] Email: ok(at)72pixel.at Icq: 65351173 ----------------------------------- And root said rm -rf / ......and there was nothing Your mailserver MUST resolve properly (Fully Qualified Domain Name) or the mail will not go through! To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo.FreeBSD.org with "unsubscribe de-bsd-questions" in the body of the messageReceived on Sun 10 Aug 2003 - 14:10:04 CEST