nachfolgende Mail hängt antwortlos seit drei Tagen bei freebsd-security
und hat mich reichlich stutzig gemacht. Ich wäre auch der Meinung, daß die
erste Zeile für die Unerreichbarkeit der zweiten sorgen würde. Liege ich
da falsch?
Peter Roß
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:29:08 -0300
From: Ronan Lucio <ronanl(at)melim.com.br>
To: security(at)freebsd.org
Subject: Transparent proxy rules
Hi All,
I have tryed to install transparent proxy but I didn´t
understand the correct funcionality of the ipfw rules
to squid transparent proxy.
I installed transparent proxy like a tutorial that says
to include the follow rules in ipfw:
allow tcp from any to any
fwd,3128 tcp from any to any 80
Well, how ipfw read line by line, I think it´ll leave the
server without firewall, once the first rule allow everything.
But, if I test the proxy, it really works, that is to say,
the tcp frame pass to the second rule (fwd).
How is this possible?
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Received on Fri 03 May 2002 - 11:11:31 CEST