ipfw: illegal option -- l usage: ipfw [options] [pipe] flush add [number] rule [pipe] delete number ... [pipe] list [number ...] [pipe] show [number ...] zero [number ...] resetlog [number ...] pipe number config [pipeconfig] rule: [prob ] action proto src dst extras... action: {allow|permit|accept|pass|deny|drop|reject|unreach code| reset|count|skipto num|divert port|tee port|fwd ip| pipe num} [log [logamount count]] proto: {ip|tcp|udp|icmp|} src: from [not] {any|ip[{/bits|:mask}]} [{port|port-port},[port],...] dst: to [not] {any|ip[{/bits|:mask}]} [{port|port-port},[port],...] extras: uid {user id} gid {group id} fragment (may not be used with ports or tcpflags) in out {xmit|recv|via} {iface|ip|any} {established|setup} tcpflags [!]{syn|fin|rst|ack|psh|urg},... ipoptions [!]{ssrr|lsrr|rr|ts},... tcpoptions [!]{mss|window|sack|ts|cc},... icmptypes {type[,type]}... pipeconfig: {bw|bandwidth} {bit/s|Kbit/s|Mbit/s|Bytes/s|KBytes/s|MBytes/s} {bw|bandwidth} interface_name delay queue {packets|Bytes|KBytes} plr mask {all| [dst-ip|src-ip|dst-port|src-port|proto] } buckets } {red|gred} /// droptail