Hallo nochmal,
wer den Artikel http://www.freebsddiary.org/daemon-windows.html kennt und
unter NT eine Lösung braucht, nun, heute hatte ich Zeit, hier der Artikel
den ich gerade abgegeben habe. Ich hoffe er ist auch ohne Überarbeitung
Für die die's mögen halt.
Schöne Grüsse
since I have to work with NT it was time to manage this problem.
First I thank you for your info because this is the most importend thing,
but use usr32.dll instead of user.exe. The 7th icon (Bitmap) is the flying
After changing there comes the problem. I thought that the easiest way would
be to distribute the new user32.dll with the service pack, but this doesn't
work because of the same thing why NT stops booting when replaced by a
second installation. NT checks the importend files by a checksum which
doesn't mach the original after editing the dll. But there is a function
called MapFilesAndCheckSum (see imagehlp, DDK) which can calculate the new
So when you open the user32.dll wich QuickView (don't know what it is in
english I use german NT) within the first 20 lines you see a checksum. In
service Pack 6 it is 0005a961. After I calculated the new checksum
(0005dff1) I replaced it with an hex editor. That's it. Now NT doesn't
complain while booting that the file is corrupt and you can install it by
extracting the service pack and replacing the file before running update.
Nice greetings from germany
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