"Sebastian Grundner-Culemann" <sgc(at)i-dial.de> writes:
> Hallo beisammen,
> nachdem ich jetzt ueber die Reihenfolge der einzelnen realeses
> aufgeklaert wurde (danke Udo!), wuerd ich noch gern den Termin
> fuer das 4.0-Release wissen. Irgenwo hab' ich mal den 1. Maerz
> als Termin gelesen, was aber anscheinend nciht gestimmt hat.
> Weiss jemand naeheres?
,----[ 85838 ]
| To: committers(at)FreeBSD.org
| Subject: 4.0-RELEASE rescheduled for Monday, March 13th
| Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 10:49:11 -0800
| From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh(at)zippy.cdrom.com>
| I want to get RC#3 out today and into testing some of the changes
| which people have been doing for the past week. I also think we've
| got another good week's worth of final rock-polishing and PR's to
| close, so let's give ourselves the rest of the week and following
| week-end to get -current into shape and I'll roll the release bits
| Sunday night. By monday morning, the release bits should be up for
| FTP access, not including the ISO image. The ISO image I will create
| only once we've collected initial release feedback and have fixed the
| most significant ERRATA.
| - Jordan
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Received on Wed 08 Mar 2000 - 15:29:17 CET